View Full Version : How to Set Juice for variables

02-23-2003, 03:40
UPS tracking says mine will be here Monday.

I occasionally tow a 10,500# boat and a 6,500# trailer with my Jeep.

I have read where some of you are running level 4 in tow/haul and vice-versa.

My question is what levels should I set so I can smoke the fwd asphalt belly rubbers and still tow safely and not have to change settings?



02-23-2003, 07:46
Get a freakin' PYRO ! Thats the ONLY way to tell ! :mad:

02-23-2003, 07:47

You only have two choices for now.....So what do you tow in ,T/H ,No T/H,or both?? You'll have to make that decision.....

I prefer my highest setting in T/H Hot Juice.....You can still take full advantage of grade braking ,just don't forget to disengage.....

MAC :D :D :D

02-23-2003, 08:31

I got pyro. Are you saying the temp is everything? As long as I don't go over ? degrees I can tow in T/H on setting 4?


I tow the boat in T/H. The Jeep trailer doesn't seem to matter so for the purposes of this conversation let's assume I will ALWAYS tow in T/H.

Now how should I set? #2 in T/H and #4 when no T/H.

02-23-2003, 08:38
That should work for set it and forget it !!!! Just don't forget.....

MAC ;)

02-23-2003, 10:32
TraceF,when I had the regular Juice I ran level 2 in t/h and level 4 of course in regular.
I only do the t/h thing when I'm pulling the bass boat with the Lance camper on the back.
The highest exhaust temp I've seen is 1300 deg On a hot day pulling a long steep hill coming out of Banks Lake(if you know where that is)
My egt probe is mounted before turbo where I feel the reading is most accurate.
I haven't towed with the Hot Juice yet but so far it seems to run a bit cooler,don't know why? smile.gif
Blake :cool:

02-23-2003, 13:13
Trace, I pull a bit over 10,000# and I too ran the normal juice #2 in T/H and #4 regular.I left it set there untill I upgraded. Now with the Hot when not towing, wich is a lot of the time, I run #3 in regular and #4 in T/H for those occasions of insanity. When towing I switch the T/H to #2 and have no problems there. Don't forget to switch for towing....things get real hot QUICK and you can easily set codes.

[ 02-23-2003: Message edited by: motovet ]

[ 02-23-2003: Message edited by: motovet ]</p>

02-23-2003, 13:53
Hey Motovet,where is South Bend anyway?
I know where North Bend is but have not heard of the South.
Blake :confused:

02-23-2003, 16:10
I haven't towed yet with the juice, but heres my plan for this upcoming weekend/first tow.
I will program level 2 normal/level 0 towhaul. My thinking is if the EGTs get too high on the pull up Sunset Point, I can immeadiatly switch to stock (level 0)
I know this is probably overly cautious, but thats how I want it this time.
I normally run level 2 normal, level 4 towhaul.
Ultimatly that is the way I'd like to keep it, but if the EGTs won't allow it, then thats OK. The levels are simple enough to change as needed.

02-23-2003, 16:32

Good plan for the first pull! Level 0 still retains the advanced injection timing, and therefore runs even cooler than 100% stock (with about an additional 10 hp). Also, if you're running under about 62 mph when you hit tow/haul, you'll probably drop into 4th, which will raise rpm and provide additional cooling.

02-23-2003, 17:46
So... from the sound of all your input the key is to keep the EGT's lower than... ?what?

02-23-2003, 18:20
Opinions on max. safe sustained EGTs are just like anuses, but many knowledgable diesel people peg it at about 1200* F. Certainly, many will run much higher than that for short periods without apparent damage.

02-24-2003, 00:58
NW,I am 50 mi. east of Long Beach on the Willapa Bay.Or 50mi. west of Chehalis...Aberdeen to the NE...etc. I did grow up near North Bend however in the small town of Carnation.

[ 02-23-2003: Message edited by: motovet ]</p>

02-24-2003, 08:36
do this...

No towing, level I with t/h off. Level IV with it on. when you pull, level I off, and level II on. I pull a boat as well, and combined weight of truck, boat, trailer is 14,900 (cat scale on Friday). Pulls hills EASILY in Level I going 70 and lugging it in 5th. I just have to turn off the cruise or it will sometimes want to upshift.

02-24-2003, 09:26
Thanks for all the ideas. I scaled mine at it goes 16820. 6980 for the truck and 9840 for the boat but it had only gas and water. No dive gear, etc.

I am using steel 131 Cu Ft OMS tanks, the dive gear adds up real fast!

I'll probably do like all of you, experiment, but I wanted baseline info to start with.


02-24-2003, 09:37
Moto:thanks for the geography lesson.At least I've heard of Carnation!
Blake smile.gif