View Full Version : Juice,Towing,EGT, Boost

02-19-2003, 14:00
Well I've had the juice for a little over a week, and it definantly delivers. Absolutley flawless smoooooth performance.
I'm using level 2 normal/4 tow/haul.
Max EGTs are 1025/2 and 1082/4.
Boost max is 23.5
I will be towing about 10,000# at the end of the month. One long 6-8% grade.
The plan is to use level 2 normal and level 0 in tow haul. I will enable the OD lockout at the bottom, and if temps get out of control can go to stock (level 0) in tow haul.
What kind of temps should I expect?
My probe is in the exhaust manifold (I believe that's called Pre turbo?)
I tow at 65-75 depending on traffic.
I have my alarm set at 1100 to give me a safety margin ( I have heard that 1200 is the limit)
These temps sound really high, are they safe for extended times? (Unloaded my highs are just for a split second)
What should I look for in boost pressure?
Whats too high?

02-19-2003, 23:42
my understanding is that normal juice in level 2 is perfect for towing.........1200 or less on egts preturbo...........as for boost my wastegate is disabled and I see 34 psi in level four hot ..........cant say for sure if thats too much but I haven't seen any codes or busted a head gasket yet........I had the hot version since it was released.........probably got 10k on the hot version and 17k while normal juiced....the truck turned over to 28k today.........no problems other than some water in fuel once....14 to 16 mpg mixed city/hwy driving.........all with a heavy foot :D dave

02-20-2003, 00:07
Love that huh sdaver!

02-20-2003, 02:54
With the cooler weather here (well, mid 50's IS cool for me) I've been towing about 7500lbs in level 3. EGTs have been staying right around 900-1000, maybe short peaks of 1050-1100 on really steep grades.

I did have a quick scare. After passing a long line of struggling Ford products uphill at a very good clip, I was feeling kinda smug (tired after pounding thru the dunes for 3 days, but still smug.) Suddenly, a fluttering noise and a loss of power and boost, EGTs dropped like a rock. Revved the engine in N and the noise was definitely engine related. I pulled over and popped the hood. Checked all the turbo plumbing, all good. Then I saw my EGT probe dangling in the air - it had blown out of the exhaust. Pulled out some pliers and in 3 min. had it back in and tightened up.

Had to re-pass all of them smug Ford owners that passed me thinking I was a goner, but THAT didn't take long....

Regards, Steve

02-20-2003, 05:19
Steve, I can see how that could happen. I was suprised at how thin the manifold is. I can see definante advantages to welding a boss onto it as Kennedy did....Maybe when I have some time.

Do you still have the stock exhaust?

[ 02-20-2003: Message edited by: huntindog ]</p>

02-20-2003, 07:18
I have a stock 2001 D/A and have seen temperatures at 1200 degrees all the time solo and floored to 80 mph. I also have had my probe come loose 6 times as I am using a compression fitting tapped into the exhaust manifold. The last time I saw the probe stop working because it was loose I put some blue thread locker on it and the thing has worked great now for about 6 months. Blue is removeable locker, so it will still come out if you need to replace it in the future.

02-20-2003, 09:53
Looks like curiousity will get me checking mine for tightnes ;)

02-21-2003, 08:06
I love the tow haul feature of the D/A and can't imagine towing in normal mode unless I was going down the interstate at a constant speed. But my preference with the Hot Juice is T/H and level 3 for towing.

However, if I knew I was going to have hills of any magnitude to climb, I would consider going to level 2 and keep a close eye on the EGTs.

But the shift patterns and deceleration help of the T/H mode in traffic and around town is very helpful when pulling my 9,000 lb. travel trailer.

Just my $.02.

02-21-2003, 10:59
Hi Guys,

Yes, it was my compression fitting that came loose and the probe just slipped out. After my first fiasco with a broken probe, I figured it would be better to just install the new one snug.

It actually stayed in a long time considering how loosely Iit was installed. With a thicker probe, I can tighten it up alot more than the first one.

I've had no problems with manifold wall thickness, it tapped nicely and the fitting stays in good.

Regards, Steve