View Full Version : Want to appreciate your old 6.5? Drive a PS

07-09-2005, 11:06
Just drove an 05 Excursion with 6liter yesterday. Salesman stopped me and started his pitch as I drove through the Ford yard with the old 6.5 Sub. The Ford had 26 miles on the clock and 50 grand on the window sticker! I could have it for $35,000.00 minus my trade. Yup. Ford's on a big push, too. I didn't ask, but I got the impression I could have driven the Ford away for 27, or 28?
Anyway, I got in and drove it about 8 miles. Impressions? A little smoother than my 180 K Sub. A little noisier than my mechanically injected Sub., even though it(the Sub) makes more noise now than it did as an electronic unit. Handled quite nicely. Had some bells and whistles that I don't have on my "loaded" Sub. Had less room in back of the third seat than I have. Was much narrower with it's barn doors than my tailgate Sub. Wouldn't go through my garage doors, because it's about 3" taller! The sound system was no improvement over my 11 year old one. Not a lot more power than my 6.5 with all the stuff that you see in my profile. That was a big surprise. Is this the same engine as in the PS pickups?
Bottom line is, I came away with my money in my pocket, and a whole lot more respect for my old Suburban. The Ford was a nice ride, but I could probably match it in every respect by dumping ,say, 8 Grand into the Suburban. If I was to do that, I'd stay with the one's I love (Wife and Suburban), and save 22-25 THOUSAND DOLLARS! I forgot to mention that the little woman did say that there's no way I was going to get a new truck.
Just thought I'd pass this along for your digestion.
Dick Wells

GMC Hauler
07-09-2005, 20:19
50 Grand!!!!! The house I bought in GA cost me 68K (in 96). I paid 300 for my Geo.... That's 166 Geos.

For 50K it better wipe my butt, do my taxes, and never need washing or maintenance.

They'll never see me on the lot....

07-10-2005, 03:44
My buddy has a 03 Exsursion he paid 39K used w/38K on it its left him stranded w/ a altenator, it would start one morning and then at 59k the trans went out! Ford could build a good trans if they wanted too!. I'll take my 96 CC 160k any day! :D