View Full Version : Returning home to my DuraMax

07-03-2005, 23:05
My baby's been sitting for several months while I've been overseas. When I parked it at the base I left both tanks empty (hopefully enough to get me to the pumps). I have used Standyne for a long time with a little extra before I parked it.

I'm looking for suggestions to make the initial start-up less painful. I should be back in Mid July.

Happy "4th" to all!


David Proske
07-04-2005, 03:28
The batteries may need to be charged up, but other than that I wouldn't worry about it.

I prefer to leave fuel tanks topped off when storing a vehicle, as it prevents condensation in the tank.

07-04-2005, 06:31
Condensation is bad but sour diesel is worst (if that's a word). I've heard that disel is somewhat parishable so I ran them dry prior to my departure. I can always drain water but dumping 100 gallons of fuel because it has a virus is expensive.

My Boomer Boss wouldn't even send me a picture of my baby. How rude!