View Full Version : BIO DIESEL

JD Diesel
07-03-2005, 12:32
If it's so great. How come it's not out in the market? And if the new trucks are so fuel senstive what good is it for newer truck? Or is the stuff only good for old clunkers?????? Seen a lot of it for sale on my trip to oregon.
An d it costs more???? :confused: :eek:

[ 07-03-2005, 03:09 PM: Message edited by: JD Diesel ]

07-03-2005, 18:57
I plan to run at B20 level for the DP Pull Off. I don't care about the price, or the hassle to find it, I like the smell when it burns, the lack of smell in the can and the fact that it helps American Farmers/producers and not foreign oil suppliers...

07-06-2005, 20:00
I agree with everything JK said. Also from my research biodiesel is probably safer in the new trucks. The older trucks used tubing that can breakdown with biodiesel. I've used B20 a couple times with nothing but positive results.

JD Diesel
07-07-2005, 00:25
Ok so what so good about it other than it's made in the USA?

JD Diesel
07-07-2005, 00:26
Oh yeah would you use it all the time ?

07-07-2005, 03:03
Plenty of people do use it all the time. Bio is
superior in almost every respect to dino fuel.
Take a minute to go to this link http://www.biodieselnow.com/
It is non toxic, has better lubricity characteristics, less pollution from combustion,
utilizes a renewable resource, has the potential to be less expensive and helps the American farmer
(and therefore our entire domestic economy).
I am very much in favor with anything that could help us cut the cord with the middle east oil producing countries. Unfortunately there are too many people in this country making too much money
from that industry to allow that to happen anytime soon.

07-07-2005, 04:20
Not enough plants to produce though from what I hear. Price is WAY up from what it was last year...

Still working on a transfer tank setup so I can carry 90+ gallons along for the trip to/from MT...