View Full Version : juice/amp what's the hold up?

04-28-2002, 21:47
Why can't we get these things. inquring minds want to know if the black box will work as described by mackin with the full 90 HP.

04-29-2002, 00:14
to the best of my knowledge the 90 hp box is not out yet... only the'beta' 60 hp models...and few of those even

04-29-2002, 08:54
Yes that is true. During a lengthy phone conversation with Aaron last week, it was said that the only boxes in circulation (a handful of betas) were in fact 60HP programs w/o the timing files.

The boxes ARE ready, but the programming is being refined to perfection. They felt that the programming needed to be massaged a little bit, and once completed, since the boxes are built, programming them will happen very quickly.

When will they be ready? Word I got was "Could be tomorrow, could be 2-3 weeks" meaning in the relentless pursuit of perfection, things sometimes take longer than one figures...

04-29-2002, 14:10

Or problem solving?

That is the question!

04-29-2002, 15:08
Those few of us using the "juice" are making sure there is perfection at the end of the R&D tunnel

Boomer :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

04-29-2002, 15:38
really boomer.... are you a programmer then? :D

More Power
04-29-2002, 15:47
One item on the agenda next month at the DP Rendezvous is to run a Duramax bone stock on the dyno, then run it with a production 90 hp BD EZ Amp. I don't know if that means they are out now, or if BD expects to have them (or one) by May 11th.

The results of these dyno runs will appear here in the DP as part of a comprehensive product review, which includes a street performance and a towing performance comparison between stock and the Amp box.


04-29-2002, 16:08
The current boxes get blamed for inconsistency, quirks, qualms, etc. I think that we may see this turn out to be due to a certain "individuality" of trucks. In other words, each truck reacts differently. The hope and plan was to have the EZ Amp ready for the BD dyno days, but that time has passed. Lets cross our fingers for the Rendezvous!

Let's hope the Juice is ready real soon!

[ 04-29-2002: Message edited by: kennedy ]</p>

04-29-2002, 17:23
There's an old saying that software is never done and it's never perfect. You can only complete 90% of a new design's functionality. The final 10% (representing perfection) can take 90% of the orginal development time to complete.

Of course the reason is problems need to be identified, understood, corrected, and finally retested. The never ending design cycle only quits when management agrees a product can be sold with a reasonable risk.

This is true for the good companies wanting to maintain a good reputation. The bad companies just put product on the market and reap the $$$. It seems Edge is one of those good companies. :D

04-29-2002, 17:44
Also remember there is only so much you can do with programming before you run into physical limitations like breathing, turbo boost, exhaust flow, injection volume and egt's. What they probably are doing now is seeing how far they can take this thing without getting the egt's too high and keeping the Allison happy.

04-29-2002, 18:57
Hey MP,
I volunteer my truck for the stock and BD Amp dyno runs. I am bone stock except for the Amsoil air filter. I really want one of these and would love to see the results on my truck. This will be good for me as well as the forum. ;)

04-29-2002, 22:27

Very well put! Your version is far more PC than mine.

The version that I have on my cubicle wall says: "There comes a time in every project when you just have to shoot the engineers and go into production." My theory is that most of our engineers are playing Evercrack 7hrs a day. ;) No offense to any engineering types :D :D

I'm all for MAC and boomer sacrificing rear tires to the cause!


As my neighbor likes to profess: "If there are any problems, it's a hardware issue. My code's flawless."

You're absolutely right, there's only so much air or fuel one can flow without resorting to reworking the injectors, changing the turbo... too far for me to go!
You've already got propane, just add the Juice and hang onto your tranny!


That's a very generous offer! It's selfless sacrifices like that which make us all proud! ;)

I think we should go even further!

Since your truck is stock, let's dyno a Duramaximizer on it, then a Dynomite, then a Juice. Then repeat the whole series with your choice of 4" exhaust system installed. We would get all of our performance questions answered and the installers would be too tired to remove the stuff, so you get a free Juice and 4" exhaust to take home.

You'll have to buy the radar detector to stay out of jail. It's the least you could do. ;)

Regards, Steve

[ 04-29-2002: Message edited by: SoCalDMAX ]</p>

04-30-2002, 09:36
I love the way you think. Sounds like a plan.
Are you going north or what?

04-30-2002, 18:05

Always willing to help out! ;)

I was really hoping to make it to the rendezvous, but the wife's (read boss) schedule dictated vacation May 25th to June 9, and she also decided we're going to Cancun and Cozumel.

I'll trade ya pictures, you snap lots of all of the fun up there at the Rendezvous and I'll snap a bunch at the beach... should be some good shooting... ;)

Regards, Steve