View Full Version : Holy Cow!!!! and some questions

GM Smitty
06-02-2003, 15:42
Just got my juice back from JK....hot style. INSANE! Quite mad at myself for not upgrading sooner. Trying to give the tranny a little time to adapt...very hard to do. ;)
Also giving the Predator a try. No stacking yet..but I'm sure I'll get restless soon. What's a good stack between the two? I know, I know watch them temps. :eek:
Checked out balancing rates. All look OK except #1.
#1 -3.08
#2 .51
#3 - .41
#4 -1.69
#5 - .88
#6 - .15
#7 - .23
#8 - .41
Alot of negative values...what's up? Is #1 something I should worry about? Pulse widths were all .4 except #1/.3 and #2/.5. Where are the experts? :D
Extra note: JK - excellent service as always!

06-02-2003, 21:39
I have stacked my Predator with a regular juice, 100hp on the Predtor and level 2 on the reg. juice, your level 1, or I tried 85hp and level 4, this worked pretty good also. Both on highest levels doesnt seem to work to good.

GM Smitty
06-03-2003, 04:17
Thanks WD - Now if I could only get some info on those balancing rates..... :confused:
I know GM uses +4 as the upper limit...does this apply to negative numbers too? I think I read if you're between -2 and +2 you're in real good shape. What do the negative and positive mean? Oh the questions! tongue.gif

06-03-2003, 10:47
The -3.0 is a bit up there.

What are the pulse widths averaging at these rates?

Typically .4x has seemed a standard with most I have seen. For some reason Tony V seemed to be a bit lower, but there could be some discrepancies between '01 and '02 models in his case.

GM Smitty
06-03-2003, 17:38
Thanks JK. Checked them again this afternoon when she was good and warm.
#1 -2.7
#2 .1
#3 -.3
#4 -1.5
#5 -.8
#6 -.1
#7 -.5
#8 -.1

Pulse widths all right around .4. The truck has been perfect since new and runs like a champ. I never got great mileage, but really don't care as long as she running and not making visits to the dealer. Just trying to catch something before it gets worse.