View Full Version : Ebay Find

82 dieselburb
01-21-2005, 04:32
While doing my daily search on ebay I came across this 6.2 hummer engine in a military metal crate.It had a buy it now price of $495 so I bought it.I really didn't need another 6.2 but I couldn't pass the deal up.The guy that was selling it didn't know much about the engine.It did have some paper work in the crate saying that it was rebuilt and dynoed.It has some surface rust because there is no paint on the engine.So I'm hoping it is rebuilt,but if its not it's still worth it.I was rebuilding another C code 6.2 for my Jimmy project,but if this one is good I'm dropping it in The only thing that sucks is I have to pay $300 shipping




01-21-2005, 05:30
Those are some good pics of the engine . Definitely shows the Humvee intake , fan clutch , fuel return line over the left valve cover ? and a tach cable drive . The one piece that I don't see is the bracket for the throttle cable in use on our trucks . It looks like there is a bracket , for the TV cable for a 700R4 , but the Humvee didn't use that trans , right ? Any chance you could update us when you get the engine ? I'd love to see some pics .

01-21-2005, 10:01
I got my Hummer engine in that very same crate. The rubber ring and desiccant bags sure are handy here in Texas during the humid summer. Look at the weights on the side - very cool stuff.

That outfit that rebuilt the engine should have a number on file. Mine had a tag on the valve cover with a work order number. I referenced that when I called them, and they told me everthing that was done to it while in their possesion. If it left their place in that crate, it ran, and was dynoed.

Great snag!

84 Convert
01-24-2005, 18:47
Yeah, $300 for shipping stinks, but not as bad as the $800 I saw quoted on one e-bay auction for a 6.5! Those exhaust manifolds look like the cat's meow for an SAA conversion. Anybody know if they'll fit in a C/K chassis?


01-26-2005, 18:23
Not to be a party pooper here but the military engines I saw fresh out of the container from the rebuild depot were clean, painted and all openings taped.
To me the picture shows a used engine ready for return to depot for rebuild.
Unless of course they don't take the pains with them like they used to, my experience was back in the 60's & 70's and very early 80's.


82 dieselburb
01-26-2005, 19:06
A guy on another site who is in the army and works on hummers said this about the motor
DEFINITELY rebuilt...

There are no coolant stains on the crossover pipe, and there is the cap on the overflow adapter.

Our engines are rebuilt, then run on the dyno for testing and break-in... There are plenty of situations we can encounter that call for this method, as there is no time to deal with a faulty build, nor is there time to break it in (namely Iraq/Afghanistan). Our contractors also do not paint the blocks, as standard paint is not compatible with CARC (Chemical Agent Resistant Coating). Our vehicles get a fresh CARC job before and after deployments, as well as every 4 years, so there is a good chance it would be painted before rust would ensue.
I'm picking it up on Monday.Hopfully it's rebuilt,but if it's not I have a J code for a rebuild and a cool crate.

82 dieselburb
02-03-2005, 19:08
I picked the motor up on Monday.I could tell by looking at it it wasn't rebuilt.It didn't look like it had too many miles on it though.I decided to take it apart to inspect everything.

When I pulled the valve covers the rockers looked very clean.When I removed the rocker and went to remove the push rods,I noticed the first problem.On 3 of the lifters the cap that is on top of the lifters under the retaining ring was turned completly sideways and the push rod was pushed all the way into the lifter.There were 3 other lifter where the cap was turned slightly sideways.All 6 pushrods were worn,3 of them badly.
Rockers ttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v131/82dieselburb/DSC01026.jpg[/IMG]
Worn pushrods http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v131/82dieselburb/DSC01032.jpg

When I pulled the heads I found more trouble.
The number 5 cylinder head looked like this.


I was surprised that the piston didn't look to damaged, It only has a few small pot holes.

All the cylinders look very good,you can still see the cross hatching on them .I pulled the main caps.The bearing looked good and there were no signs of cracks on the main webbing.
Any ideas what would cause the lifters to do that,low oil pressure?It couldn't have run very long like that.I took the oil pump part and it looked good.
What about the number 5 cylinder?Both push rods and lifter on that cylinder looked good.

[ 02-03-2005, 06:20 PM: Message edited by: 82 dieselburb ]

02-03-2005, 19:43
Wow, that exhaust valve has had it! You could probably just replace the head and rocker assemblies, pushrods and lifters. Make sure your camshaft is smooth with no hammered dents in the lobes.

02-03-2005, 20:49
Wow, and to think I had thought about doing the buy it now on that very same engine as well! I was interested in the crate more than the engine, because I want to built an engine test stand.

That head looks as bad as what I found on a military engine I recently pulled out of a M1008 to transplant into my 82 3/4 work truck. I knew the engine had two dead cylinders from the compression test, and it did smoke out the tail pipe on the driver side. So I pulled heads on the engine stand. The head looked horrible, was eating water, and pitted below the seats on the head on one of the cylinders (head thrown in junk pile).

So, in your case find a set of 6.2 heads and bolt them on, sure would be nice to test the engine before installing it in something though.

I am still crossing my fingers on the engine I am putting together. the engine only had 60k on it, same as yours displayed cross hatching in all cylinders. It had 380psi in all but 2 cylinders (6 puffs.)

02-03-2005, 20:58
Well, $700.00 for a solid short block seems ok. Awsome starter, and ya get the headers, intake, IP, and tin for kicks. Give it a stud girdle kit, new valve train, and gears, and laugh all the way to the bank.

82 dieselburb
02-04-2005, 03:09
Yea it still wasn't to bad of a deal.I'm going to replace the lifters and push rods.I have a good set of C code heads I think I'm going to put on it.It's going in my Jimmy crawler project so it's not a daily driver.I still can't figure out what caused the lifter to do that,any ideas?
The crate it came in is definately heavy duty.The engine weighed 650lbs and the crate weighed 550lbs.It would make a good test engine stand.

02-04-2005, 14:17
Not a bad deal at all. You actually beat me to it, dern buy-it-now! have fun! :D