View Full Version : Head gasket replacement (how hard)

Scott Nixon
01-18-2005, 07:59
Thinking of slapping a 6.5 turbo on a 130k 6.2. Timing chain and pump are good, wondering if I should do a head gasket swap as preventitive maintence.

Is it just unbolt everything, lift head, new gasket, bolt up (with new head bolts, I read about TTY!)?

I can turn wrenches ok and have a good torque wrench, just don't want to mess around having to adjust anything.


01-18-2005, 10:57
Its pretty straight forward, not something I would want to do in chassis. There isn't any adjusting after the replacement as there is on a gasser, as the rockers are not adjustable. You will have to take extreme care to clean the block and heads, to remove all the old gasket without gouging the block or heads. You do have to replace the head bolts, as they are Torque To Yield bolts and they do stretch. I personally wouldn't replace the head gaskets as a preventative measure, but rather after you have problems, or IF you have problems.

01-18-2005, 19:27
I have replaced a couple of pistons on my old 6.2 while the engine was in the truck. It was possible but a royal pain in the back. Those heads were heavy. In hindsight I should have removed the hood and used an engine crane to help lift the heads. Also, the shape of firewall and where the engine sits makes it difficult to get to some of the headbolts for torquing. I agree with John, if the head gaskets aren't giving you any problems now, then I would leave them alone.


01-19-2005, 05:19
The heads are in the neighborhood of 70 pounds each.
With very little effort, some 2x4's, a long eye bolt and a little piece of chain, you can put together a rig that will allow two people to lift the heads in and out. The nut on the eyebolt makes for easily lowering the heads the last inch in very small increments while you get everything aligned. The head gaskets are coated with sealer. No other sealant is used, so be careful not to scratch off any during installation.

01-19-2005, 20:08
Oh yeah, I wish I had thought of that. I guess I did it the hard way.
