View Full Version : AC exchanger and Rad postion

12-30-2005, 18:20
O.K this may sound a little strange but with all the cooling problems we have why is the AC exchanger set up stream of the rad. Is the rad exhaust air to hot to condense the "freon"? Just wondering why GM does not put the more inportant cooling element in the coolest air.

12-30-2005, 21:44
The exchanger probably would not work well at all behind the radiator. Either way, you're only going to get so much air flow through 1.) the small opening in the core support 2.) flow through BOTH the echanger and the radiator.

Bobbie Martin
12-31-2005, 04:25
I saw this at the Griffin Radiator (http://griffinrad.com/faq4.php) FAQ.

How much space should there be between the A/C condenser and the radiator?
There should be 1/4"

12-31-2005, 10:31
With Freon-12, for each degree the condensor temp is raised, it will take about 1 psi more pressure on the high side to condense the freon, costing more power to turn the compressor, and the condensed liquid will leave the condensor hotter, causing a rduction in cooling efficiency.

With R-134, the added pressure on the high side will be well over one psi per degree.