View Full Version : EGT

07-17-2004, 03:25
Hello all :D ,
Cannot get this s**ty grin off my face. The turbo works gooood! Took it for a drive and it feels like a different truck. The only thing is I do not know if the egt gauge is working that came with my banks turbo (bought used). When idling in the drive it was 250-300 then I test drove it and went to 650 and stayed there even when I let it idle in the drive for about 2 minutes before shutting it down. I then went for a longer test drive and punched it to 70 (for about 30 sec) and egt went to 900 (gotta see what she will do)and it stayed there for 10 minutes before coming down when i got to town.
I just thought it seemed high and the gauge might be at fault. Oh I turned the fuel up 1/4 turn as suggested.

thanks for all the help
PS should it be leaking oil from the turbo return at the block?

Peter J. Bierman
07-18-2004, 13:00
Egt at 900 when doing 70 seems a bit high to me but is not necisairily wrong.
The high reading at idle is not correct I think,
EGT reading has to correspond to a surtain engine load, if the load drops the EGT has to follow with a slight delay.

Hope this helps,


07-18-2004, 17:05
That is what I thought, thanks peter. I got in the truck the other day and the egt was 650 (after all night sitting I do not think so). Now today it was about 100 ok (out side air was 70 or so). Going down the road at idle down the drive was 300-350 ok, then on the road was 450 at about 50 then I push to 600 at 70mph. This seems to be in line with what i have read.
What do you guys think?

The oil problem seems to get worse the harder I run it and when I stop it seems like it comes from the rear of the engine. Could it be the rear main? I have took off the block off plate and reglued it after shaving some off the side of the oil return (so they do not contact each other). I will have to look at it tomorrow after a few more test drives (oh this is such sorrow having to drive this sport truck :D ).
Thanks for you help,