View Full Version : 4" EXHAUST INSTALL

Keith Richards
07-12-2004, 14:32
I just got done installing my new pinnacle system,(WOW) it's cool.I cant remember the member here who talked me into installing myself but,thank you.The local shop wanted mucho denaro.It took me two hours and I'm no expert.I hope I get used to the hot rod exhaust note,it's not exactly what I had in mind but it'll work.Like you guy's said small performance gain is a plus too.Turbo whine is way cool too,It was very hard to hear before.The 4" look is bad ass.The ford and dodge guys will probably want to race now.On another note,I went into a diesel performance shop today before install to see what they wanted to do it$$$$,and asked the guy also if they had a chip for the 6.5,he said yeah a chip on my shoulder.Now I'll just blow some 4" exhaust smoke at him when I drive by.

07-12-2004, 16:06
Do you mind letting me know the name of the performance shop? Thanks.

Keith Richards
07-12-2004, 16:50
Spindrift, the shop was extreme diesel performance in wall on rt. 34. By the way,it was just light hearted humor ,but you still get kind of irritated when its always someone putting down your truck

07-12-2004, 18:17
Keith, glad to hear you had no problems with the install. I was starting to wonder if I had gotten you into something you really didn't want to tackle. You are going to love driving your truck now. It feels good knowing you did it yourself and you didn't pay some yahoo to do it wrong. OK they're not all yahoos!

07-13-2004, 07:54
You totally did the right thing installing it yourself. I took mine to a Meineke and they charged me 3.5 hours of labor and talked about all the problems they had with it. I told them I had heard of most do-it-yourselfers handling this system in about 2 hours. The tech responded, "well, I would rate this as a poor-quality exhaust system."

I was just happy to get my truck out of that shop in one piece. The system is awesome - did my first towing with it this weekend. Love the turbo whistle and the extra oomph in O/D.

Keith Richards
07-13-2004, 14:48
Yeah, I am having a ball driving it.But I need to get the exhaust a little bit further away from the body underneath ,and the suspension leaves are coming in contact with it slightly near the exit.Other than that, its sweet.Thanks again for talking me into it,it just took me some time to get to it,and I couldn't stand looking at it in the box any more.The other contractors on the job site were blown away by the "industrial look" and the sound.There is a definate seat of the pants difference in power,I also added a k&n filter.

07-13-2004, 18:38
Kieth, I had the same problem with the leaf springs rubbing. I bought some washers that would slide onto the hanger to space it out further. It fixed it. I also rotated the last pipe a little so it wasn't so close. ;)

Keith Richards
07-14-2004, 16:45
Thanks, I'll try that.I dont know if youve had a problem also with the pipe rubbing under the truck on some sheet metal like mine has.When I get some time I'll look further into it,it's not real bad,but a slight annoyance.Other than that,system is real nice,and so was the price compared to other's.Peace,love,and diesel smoke.

07-14-2004, 18:19
Where did you get the exhaust system? Is it a complete system or a cat back? Did you keep the cat or send it to the pound ? You've spark a lot of interest here...thanks Scott

07-15-2004, 10:15
I got the same system less than a month ago. Removed the cat. The sound is nice - a little more rumbly than I expected, but not in a bad way. Noticed that it was easier to tow in O/D as well.

07-15-2004, 17:22
Keith, have you noticed an increase in MPG?
& is there a noticable difference in power unloaded?

Thanks, Doug

Keith Richards
07-17-2004, 14:08
Sorry it took so long to get back,but the system was through PINNALEPOWEREXHAUST.COM. MPG has been actually less because I've been playing with it like a kid with a new toy, but i'm expecting a slight increase when I get used to it.I'ts hard to tell how much power increase because I've never dyno'ed it,but theres definately a little better power,and I've yet to tow with it,so time will tell.Take care

Keith Richards
07-17-2004, 14:13
Sorry I forgot the question,yes it is a complete system from turbo back,and no I did not put the cat back on,but I'm holding on to it until next inspection in case they make me put it back.I dont think they checked it two years ago when I went trough last.This truck falls under the heavy duty emissions,here in Jersey,so they dont check emissions.