View Full Version : replace seals????

Dvldog 8793
05-23-2005, 17:35
I have a 1984 Chev G20 van 6.2, it REALLY needs new seals. Doesn't leak when it sits but when it is going down the road it coats the bottom of the truck and leaves a signature in all the parking lots. tongue.gif Other than the leaks this truck runs GREAT and only has 134,000 miles. Is it possible to replace seals in the vehicle or should I just tough it out and wait for a rebuild? I do have a good block that could be redone for whole new motor. Any opinions/advice are very appreciated!
USMC 87-93

05-25-2005, 11:05
I'll assume you mean that the rear main seal needs replacement? What I'd do just to make sure which it is will be to pull the transmission inspection cover that hides the flexplate. Then take a flashlight and shine up looking at the back of the crankshaft. If it's dry there and wet below, say at the pan, then you'll just need to reseal the pan. It's possible it's just the oil pan leaking, thats what it was for me, but I replaced the rear main seal also.

According to my 86 chassis manual you can get the pan off the engine in a van. The trick is getting the pan loose, the removing the oil pump with the pan nearby, then removing the pan and pump. You don't have to jack the engine up off the engine mounts like you do on the trucks.

How much oil consumtion/leaking are you seeing?

[ 05-25-2005, 11:16 AM: Message edited by: john8662 ]