View Full Version : won't start

06-24-2004, 11:55
I swapped engines and pumps, removed all the lines and put it back together. I have fuel to the pump and the overflow. I can't get the engine to fire a lick. I removed 2 injector lines and spun it several times, I removed 5 injector lines and spun it several times, (15 seccond intervals). I tightened up all the lines and spun it several times. Nothing. The kill switch is working. How much diesel should come out of the injector lines when loosened several turns at the injector? Any other ideas?

Thanks, Wayne

06-24-2004, 12:41
On a completly dry system it takes ALOT of cranking in cycles to bleed the air, especially if the the Injection Pump was dry. Here is my advice.

Fully charge your batteries for the battle ahead. Then go ahead and loosen all 8 injector lines from the injectors themselves. They just need to be loose enough to turn by your fingers. Then start the cranking, crank the engine in 8 second intervals. Then let the starter cool for about 2 minutes, the go again. It could take about 5 tries or more to get the injection pump to where it has enough air out of it to get it to fire. When you see fuel actively weeping at the injector lines then tighten them back up, charge the batteries up, make sure your glow plugs are getting power and that they are working. You will then get it started. Note, use NO starting fluild.

Good luck.


06-26-2004, 08:46
It lives!!!!!! A team effort in installing the engine does not always work. I got it running and found at least one line if not two loose on the injector pump. But that is correctable. Thanks again for the instruction.


06-28-2004, 07:00
Awesome! Good to get it running again! When I did my first engine swap I thought the same thing "wil I ever get this thing bled and running again".

Team effort? yeah, sometimes you gotta check up on the helper.