View Full Version : Luminosity Probe?

Stray Cat
05-16-2005, 10:50
Anybody know a source for Luminosity Probes? Need a few...the only source I can find is Kent-Moore. They want $258 each and can't deliver for weeks!

05-16-2005, 11:16
What timing meter do you have? I know Snap-on still has probes for their timing meters (on the order list for me too).

05-16-2005, 12:38
Snap-on gets about $220 for theirs, too. :(

05-16-2005, 18:19
They come up on ebay every once in a while, I sold around 5 on there myself. The probe for a Ford 6.9L diesel or the Olds 5.7L will fit as well. Look for Snap-On part # MT 160 or MT 161.

Stray Cat
05-16-2005, 21:22
I called three different Snap-On reps in the area...they all quoted me $168 initially. But, they all called me back and said that they had dis-continued them and could not get them. If someone has a Snap-On rep that can orderthem, let me know! I searched e-Bay...I'll keep looking. Thought someone might have a stash or know of an alternate source....