View Full Version : Turbo Control / Waste gates

06-17-2004, 10:28
Need some education on turbo boost control and wastegates. Found a good deal on a turbo for my 6.2. I don't know what the boost is and want to be able to control it. I also have a line on a T 6.5 that was involved in a fire. Can I use this wastegate off the 6.5 w/o serious part mods? What controls it? I've been looking for someone that will let me look under their hood so I can get a mental picture on how a wastegate operates. Any suggestions welcome.

89 3/4 SUB NA 6.2 201k and going strong

Peter J. Bierman
06-18-2004, 13:26
Basicly the wastegate lowers the exhaust pressure before the turbine side off the turbo by letting ex.gas escape into the post turboside off the exhaust.
Lower pressure means lower turbine RPM means lower boost.
The waste gate is just a valve in the turbine housing.
The control is usually done by a counter acting springforce with air pressure from the compressor side, the spring keeps the wastegate shut till the boost pressure overcomes the springforce and moves the valve.

In case off the 6.5 TD the wastegate is controlled by he computer and actuated with vacuum, but I think there are mechanical aftermarket control systems available.

Hope this helps.
