View Full Version : the great gm saddle tank saga

02-18-2004, 17:50
well awhile back i wrote inquiring if anyone had heard anything on the 73-87 saddletanks that were involved in a lawsuit against gm,at the time the options were a certificate worth 1000.towards new gm vehicle or a 500 cert that you could transfer to someone else,then they come out with the same thing but this time also offer a hundred dollars cash per truck,at which time i signed up for as i can't afford a new truck let alone even the cheapest thing gm builds,well went to the post office today and open the box and am totally in shock at what i see.2 letters from the gm class counsel i'm thinking ya hoo 200 bucks,then i open em and find out it seems they took the cash offer away.more b.s. i'm checking into the web site to see if i'm missing something,anybody else want to check it out it's (www.faq-settlement.com/ck/index.html)

02-18-2004, 18:10
well checked it out and way towards the bottom to the question (why didn't i receive my 100 check)it says quote:as explained in the class counsels letter louisiana courts have ruled that the 1000 purchase price discount certificates can't be sold or transfered persuant to the earlier offer.sounds like the lawyers wrote that up.why not give me a cert worth 100 dollars worth of parts.i'd be happy with that.i guess my only option is to get the certificates and sell em.anybody here in the market for a new car or duramax truck,if i transfer it's only good for 500 off the purchase price.i'd take a hundred bucks each i will get 2 of em thats what i wanted from gm ,looks like i gotta do the leg work now.

C.K. Piquup
02-19-2004, 03:32
No Comment.

02-19-2004, 05:07
I've had my 75 for over 10 years and have never received any communication concerning the fuel tanks from anyone. which is just fine with me.

02-19-2004, 10:17
If you want to read the court's determination that this process should continue dragging on, you can click HERE. (http://www.autosafety.org/article.php?scid=94&did=738)

I received my $1000 certificate, dated June 19,2001, and promptly framed it to hang on my office wall in perpetuity. I figured it would be unethical to accept the $1000 discount on a new vehicle since I was one of the team that GM used to totally debunk and discredit NBC's Dateline fiasco about the side-saddle-fuel-tank trucks.

By the way, this thread inspired me to look at the certificate again, and it had just expired on January 18,2004. So it isn't even worth stealing, now.

Dr. Lee :cool:

02-19-2004, 12:33
It is further ordered that settlement class members who have already responded to Class Counsel's offer must be notified of the changes consistent with this opinion by Class Counsel, and Class Counsel shall bear all costs for same.

All costs of this appeal shall be borne by the settlement class.


2002-0771 (La.App. 1 Cir. December 20, 2002). Note GM has turned the tables and now the cost of pursuing this further have gone to the 'Settlement Class' Eight years and counting since the start of this. :eek:

02-19-2004, 12:43
the last mailing was to 5.8 million people so if everybody took the 100 cash option that would cost gm 580 million.no wonder they're fighting tooth and nail against it.is there any lawyers on here and if so what happens if i don't send anything in ,do they come out after the 15 months and send me another letter or what?i would think it will keep dragging on til all people affected settle.

C.K. Piquup
02-20-2004, 04:58
Even if this was really the issue it was"blown-up"to be,it shouldn`t be a concern to diesel owners.It`s less volital AND saddle tanks are the design used on virtually ALL diesel trucks on the road(except our consumer-grade trucks,lately.Personnaly,I find more fault in people driving broadside into full-size trucks.Fire or not,bad things are bound to result.Those victoms sued and got their money.Why should we be paid for what hasn`t happened?What`s $1,000 if it does?WE drove trucks with tanks behind the seat(I still do)for years,GM,Ford,Dodge,IH,Studebaker...No law suits.I won`t go on,I don`t hold grudges.But this is a GM owners site and you opened this can of worms.Also,the value of these trucks is higher and they are more sought after than their"safer"competition in spite of the bad press.

02-20-2004, 06:01
well one of my trucks they sent me this for is my 84 c10 6.2 and then they only sent me 2 certs when i had 4 trucks registered on the cut-off date.i pretty much forgot about it til about 3 years ago when i get this letter saying i could get 100 bucks per truck so figured what the hell free money,now they take it away and i'm ****ed i want my free money. but after reading that court info i know i'm screwed that 100 offer should have never been made.i still drive em and i thought this lawsuit was a piece of s#*t anyway,but my thoughts are that if they are offering all us owners a thousand dollars off a new vehicle why aren't they offering something for those of us that can't afford a new vehicle.1000 off the price isn't gonna hurt gm too much why not offer us a 100 credit towards parts or services?that wouldn't be as the court states(selling the certificate)i'd go for that

02-20-2004, 06:40
Originally posted by catmandoo:
i'm ****ed i want my free money. Hehehe... he said free money... :rolleyes:

I own 2 older Chevys with the side saddle gas tanks; both have been registered for many years. I never got any correspondence from GM about free money?

02-20-2004, 15:09
i figured somebody would get a kick out of that.

Colorado Kid
02-24-2004, 09:56
I paid $300 for a '74 rust-bucket of a Sierra Grande C-2500, in 1991. I drove it for 30,000 miles and sold for $900 in 1997. (OK, I did put tires on it and solve a stalling problem while I owned it). Then out of the blue I got a letter from GM offering me $1,000 discount on the D-max I was already planning to order. SWEET. Worked like a charm, and counts as "free money" as far as I'm concerned.

02-24-2004, 18:41
good for you ,but i guess my point is i can't afford a new truck so i'm being left out so to speak,if i could afford one i wouldn't have a problem,actually i shouldn't say problem,my beef is people that have the money to afford a new truck benefit from this yet us people that can't get nothing , in my opinion the settlement does not go far enough to satisfy probably the majority of affected parties,they are willing to give 1000 off a new truck,as i said i'd be happy with 100 towards parts or services,i could see the problem with giving out the cash,but then again i see it as only fair that they offer something for us people that can't afford it.as much as i think this lawsuit is bs and i will never drive anything but gm vehicles. the basis for not offering the 100 was that the certs could not be sold,but yet in the letter it says 1000 off new vehicle or you can transfer or SELL it to someone else and it's worth 500.i thought thats what the whole problem with the 100 cash offer was,that the cert couldn't be sold. yet here they are saying i can sell it to somebody else but not back to gm hmm as someone said earlier frame it and hang it on the wall that's all it's good for.

C.K. Piquup
02-28-2004, 04:24
Here`s one more thought I`ve had on this before I leave it alone.How many models have run 19 years unchanged like these GM trucks?That`s a large group to pull numbers from.Get the figures,do the math,then do the percentage.Not too shabby.