View Full Version : Noise levels: Timing chain vs. DSG gears.

02-16-2004, 06:09
I installed the DSG timing gear set into my 6.2 NA Blazer this past weekend, everything fitted like in the instructions. I started and drove around, everything sound OK but I hear a new noise at idle rpm. that wasn

02-16-2004, 06:40
There was a survey on just this point here a while ago, and most believed that they did not hear any additional noise over the normal diesel rattle and clatter. But I was in the minority; I definitely hear a gear-noise that is new and different. Not bothersome, just new and different.

Go enjoy your gears, and let the noise remind you of the excellent decision you made to install them in your engine.

Dr. Lee http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/person/bgkopf.gif

02-16-2004, 09:05
For the longest time, I thought that the gears were a loose v belt, but it just didn't sound like the usual belt slipping. I have to be standing directly in front of the truck to really hear it.

But I have to agree with the doc, it is music to my ears. :D

C.K. Piquup
02-16-2004, 12:43
Did any of you need to grind the axles on the idlers to gain proper clearance?I did.

02-16-2004, 14:31
It fit like a glove on OJ Simpon's hand.

Just kidding - no grinding required; fit and finish was great.

02-17-2004, 03:08
What David said is what I hear, in front or above the fan. I think it is the play off the floating idler.

Thanks for everybody's input, this way we learn how our toys work. :D


02-18-2004, 10:08
Gonna install my gear drive this weekend! Did ya'll have to remove the injector pump or just leave in place and remove the gears? I'm trying to eliminate extra work, of course. Any other helpful unusual hints? Thanks!

02-18-2004, 10:38
You can leave the IP in place, but you may want to stuff something underneath it to support it when the timing case is removed, so it doesn't strain or bend the inj. lines.