View Full Version : No Start, Water in Fuel light, weird noise

12-17-2004, 22:45
Last Monday, I started my 83 Suburban after about a month of not being started, it started just fine like is has for years, then the "water in fuel" light came on, and the glow plug light flickered off and on seeming to lessen in rapidness as I rev' d the engine. Ultimately I check the petcock and no water was at the filter. I started it up again, it had a rough idle but seemed to smooth out a bit when I drove it around a few miles, engaging the 4 wd to keep it lubed. This morning I took it to my "non-diesel" mechanic next door to have the steering column rebuilt. It started fine, ran ok, no "water in fuel" light, but when I was pulling into the drive it was acting like the 4 wd was trying to engage, a definite "thud" noise and vibration as the wheels turned. I figured I just needed to put it in reverse to disengage or something, but when I did the engine died, and would not start, even a shot of ether wouldn't do anything. Basically I have no clue what happened...anyone have any ideas?

12-18-2004, 13:17
Ignition switch sure sound suspect, or something electrical in that area. I've got an 83 Van in the family, I've been troubleshooting a weird glow sympton it on too. It decides to come on when going down the road. Anyways, check to see if you have voltage at the injection pump, the ignition wire on the pump that is. If no voltage there, you might consider making a jumper wire to provide voltage there and see if you can get it started. Since your friend rebuild the column, anything with the ignition switch could be suspect.

Anyone else here dealt with ignition switch problems?

More Power
12-18-2004, 13:22
Does your Sub have 2 spin-on fuel filters, or does it have the single rectangular cartridge style? The 1982-83 pickups utilize a water in fuel sensor in the fuel tank(s), where the 1984 and later pickups used a WIF sensor in the firewall (or intake) mounted Stanadyne model-80 fuel filter.

The 1984 and later model-80 fuel filter assemblies also used a fuel filter restriction sensor to warn the driver of when to change the filter. Unfortunately, this used the same water in fuel light on the dash, and would illuminate if the lift pump failed - though it had nothing to do with water.

Does the harmonic damper spin relatively true while you're cranking the engine?


12-18-2004, 21:38
I have the two spin on filters. Will have to check the h-balancer. It seems to turn over just fine, but no "fire." What am I looking for when I look at the h-balancer?

12-19-2004, 11:10
Update: replaced main filter, still no start. But I did notice that it was turning over slow after cranking, so I connected via jumper cables to my other sub's batteries and it sitll seemed to be turning over slow, so I am going to clean and replace/repair all the connections I can find. Not sure if this will change anything, but figure it couldn't hurt. Also gonna plug in the block heater see if that changes anything, its not cold here around 48 deg.

12-20-2004, 08:53
Dang...still no start...now it seems like the starter is draging...nothing is ever simple.

12-20-2004, 10:12
Did you check that the solenoid on top of the injection pump was getting power from the ignition switch? All you need is a test light, or with the key on, unplug and then plug it back in, you should hear a click.

12-21-2004, 10:30
we got it running, but now the starter is shot, so gonna replace it and check it out again.

12-21-2004, 12:24
What caused it to die and what was the culprit of the no start situation?

12-22-2004, 10:33
Well, not exactly sure...I replaced the filters, it ran for 10 minutes then died and would not re-start....now the starter is grinding & sometimes not engaging at all. The starter was replaced in jan of 04, so its not that old. When I have some time and its not snowing and get above freezing again (grin) I will have the starter replaced and see what happens then and if it will run.

01-08-2005, 06:00
The starter was put in and it started without any problems. Hopefully it was just the filters that needed to be replaced. Knock Wood