View Full Version : Power door lock failure

11-29-2004, 19:14

Got the turbo installed and everything was roses. Stopped for milk and noticed no power door locks, however I heard the sound of a buzz or some such thing when I press up or down....On a related note, I noticed a unconnected wire on the drivers side engine bay. It is yellow at the end with a fuse toward the end of it....I have not a clue as to where this came from...or where it goes. Is this the ground wire?

12-03-2004, 12:52
Bump...The power door lock still no worky.

12-06-2004, 14:36
So it seems that they decide to work when ever they feel like it. One minute they work, full power, and the next they don't. I looked for a loose fuse or wire down by the fuse box but only ended up burning my $#@king finger on one of those metal circular things on the fuse box.

I really need to figure out what the hell is going on. Is this isolated, or is this part of a larger problem. Addtionally, I noticed the radio started cutting out once in a while and thought I heard something coming from the fuse box area.

12-08-2004, 19:22
Just maybe got worse. Door locks don't work. Rear window with key doesn't work, but with button up front it does, just not with the key. Radio is cutting out every few seconds then will power back up.

Please help. Electricity scares me.

Oh, and when the radio was cutting out, I smelled something burning, not oil or anything like that I also saw the voltage meter dip. This was while on the road.

12-08-2004, 21:17
Two things come to mind. The connection supplying power to the cab down at the starter, and the ground connections off the engine block connecting to the cab firewall. First check the connections at the firewall grounding the cab to the engine. There is a grounding strap that bolts to one of the rear bolts on the intake manifold on the passengers side. Check to make sure it's secure to the bolt and to the firewall. There should also be at least one smaller insulated ground wire that goes into the wiring loom for the engine, check that one also. It really sounds like you're having problems with an electrical connection to the cab, either with the hot wire or a ground, I suspect the ground, especially with recent engine work installing the turbo. Did they remove the intake manifold for any reason Or has there been any recent starter work?