View Full Version : In the starting block

01-19-2004, 21:31
I am embarking on a project that I'm sure will the best that I ever had. Am planning to rebuild a 6.2 (already purchased) , couple it to a 700R box and drop it into a Landrover 110 CSW by adaptor to the LR Transfer case. Diesel Page R&R guide has been purchased, but a few general questions to start with:
1) Can I tell what year model the 6.2 is, and where can I look for indications of this. It has a serpentine belt driven pulley system with a multi plug on the left hadn side rear part of the motor(glow plug controlling mechanism?)
2) Secondly, how can I find out whether this was a heavy duty motor or not - yes, one can see I've been doing some reading on the Diesel Page and will be doing much more - maybe someone can help me out faster than reading with these first of I'm sure many questions.

Greetings from a very hot Cape Town, South Africa to all. I look forward to initially learning much from the list, and hopefully as experience and time goes on contributing my 2c worth.


01-20-2004, 09:56
Serpentine belt indicates at least 1988, maybe thru '93 - not sure about export.
Pop air filter off - EGR will be visible on LD version.
No EGR is HD version.
Try to find 700R with large "K" cast into case - has strengthened case for 4wd versions.
See DR Lee's 700R4 article in the Member's Area Topics.
6.2 Forum and Ask Dr Lee Forum will have all info posted on 6.2L engines.

Good wrenching with your project.