View Full Version : HELP! Hood cable broke

11-26-2004, 13:18
I was pulling on the handle to unlatch the hood and the handle came completely out. There were a few rusted wires hanging on the end so I don't think I have anything to grab onto inside. What should I do? Are these readily available and easy to replace?

11-26-2004, 17:39
Been there, but most of mine break inside the cable under the hood (not so fun). If the handle came off you might try unbolting the lever holder in the cab, and cutting off some of the insulation on the cable to get access to the inside cable. Once you get acess to that take two pairs of vice grips, one on the wire snugly, and the other on the cable (just to hold it). Might be worth a shot. After you get the hood up, you shouldn't have too much trouble replacing it, done two of em so far.

11-26-2004, 20:38
We stock replacement hood cables in our NAPA store; so these part numbers should work for you at your local store:

Balkamp Hood Release Cable & Clip
6652003 $ 4.69

Balkamp Hood Release Cable & Clip
6652443 $ 22.49

11-26-2004, 22:52
That's kind of what I was thinking on the method but wanted to hear from someone with experience first. Thanks for the heads up and words of encouragement. Brittanic, thanks for the part numbers and wish I was close enough to buy from you.