View Full Version : blue wire glow plug controller bypass

11-21-2004, 22:49
Okay. My glow plug system is working, everything checks out but the truck still won't start without a fight on cooler days (+20 on down). My brand new glow plug controller is letting the plugs cycle just long enough to let the tips start to turn orange and then it shuts them off. It does the same thing on each of the shorter cycles after the intital time when you first hit the key, just long enough for a hint of orange then they shut off. At best only the very tip (3/16 of an inch) actually turns orange. Is a proper system supposed to heat more of the plug? I looked on the kennedy website at their quick heat plugs and they show almost the entire end glowing, easily 4 times what I am getting. I can only get this amount of glow if I jump the plug across the battery for 10 seconds. Do the kennedy plugs react in the time my controller will allow, roughly six seconds.
Is there a spark plug that will actually react quick enough to warm the cylinder in the programed time frame the contoller allows?
How do I set up my truck to bypass the timer on the controller and hold the plugs on for a longer time. I have seen the posts regarding cutting the blue wire and putting it to ground to extend the glow duration. Can this mod be set up to allow normal system operation and the occasional extended glow time with a push button? I need to be sure my truck can start if I end up in an area without power to plug in after a cold overnight.
I am currently using Lucas DSO94 plugs which were in the truck when I bought it. I did buy an Autolite for fun to see how fast it would heat, no improvement over the Lucas. I set the Autolite across the battery for 90 seconds and it didn't burn or swell, the Lucas lasted 15 seconds and died.
Thanks in advance.

11-23-2004, 16:33
Ive heard of the blue wire tap method, but Ive never tried it. I believe its a ground start system, so when you ground the blue wire it will cause system to start. I wonder if you could put a 't' splice into the blue wire to a switch, that way you can retain the stock setup and use the button only supplementary on those cold mornings. Im not sure how many amps are running on that wire, Ive heard over 100! that would require a relay of some type but thats over my head at this point. Hope this suggestion helps... Dieselpage doesnt have many contributors does it?


11-24-2004, 05:10
Go to the Members' Area of www.TheDieselPage.com (http://www.TheDieselPage.com) and look in the Online Troubleshooting Manual to read about the 1985-1993 glow system BY CLICKING HERE. (http://www.thedieselpage.com/members/guide13.htm) The diagram shows lead "C" that brings a power signal from the glowplugs back to the controller. More Power had an article a few years ago that suggested:

The center terminal (pin C) of the controller is where battery voltage enters the controller while the glow plugs are energized. This is the terminal that supplies battery power (and current flow) that passes through the main PTC thermistor. By inserting a 5-ohm 2-watt resistor in that lead, you can lengthen the glow cycles by 2-4 seconds (depending on ambient temperature). This should address the problem you have encountered.

Dr. Lee :cool:

11-24-2004, 19:48
Thanks for the insight with the quote! I did pull my old (dead) plug control unit apart and saw the PTC thermistor. I'm not an electrical genius (but I am an electrician, go figure) I guessed the little bugger had some influence on glow time. I'll try the resistor idea.
I read some of the other articles in the members area and saw that the Lucas plugs are good plugs that should last longer than mine did across the battery. They all work and show consistant OHM readings, maybe a fluke maybe not, I'm going to replace them.
Thanks again! smile.gif