View Full Version : no. 6 suxxxx

06-04-2004, 06:07
Ok, just did a comp check on '85 GMC 6.2 j, comp on average 310psi except #6-- dead :mad:

Suggestions on where to precede from here would be appreciated.


06-04-2004, 06:32
Pull the head on that bank and check the # 6 piston. My guess is a cracked piston or a hole in it. It could also be a bad head gasket. Both are pretty strait forward to fix. The head gasket would be the easy one. With the cracked piston you would need to buy a new piston and a set of rings.

I am not sure how much experience you have with engine repair but I strongly suggest you get a copy of the R&R guide sold by the bulliten board. It's very handy for this type of work.

Once you get the head pulled, let us know what you find.


06-04-2004, 06:44
Thanks TimK, actually I have extensive Gas Engine experience.

Hoping for a head gasket, not sure if a pan drop is possible in a pickup to change a piston?

Thanks again.

06-06-2004, 08:27
If your truck is a 4x4,lots of room to drop the pan.I had mine off and was able to leave the starter in place.2 wheel drive you may have to lift the engin.Remove the motor mount bolts lift slightly and block between the mount and engin.If it needs more room,though it looks like you should be able to remove pan without lifting.