View Full Version : E-Bay 85-93 6.2/6.5L Glow Plug Controller

84 C2B2
10-02-2005, 16:16
You see the glow plug controller for sale and it usually starts at $35.00 and works it's way on up. Most of the sellers show an AC Delco box next to it stating "AC Delco controller". What I've come to find out is that it doesn't arrive in the AC Delco box but does have Delphi markings on it. Is this a cheap knock-off and have folks had trouble with this one. I've got one and if I let the truck sit for over a week I have to tap the controller to get it to engage.

Anyone have experience with this GP controller?


10-02-2005, 18:56
no experience in using it, but i have one that I bought of ebay, probably from the same seller. I haven't used it, but I figure that it's a good controller.

If you're tapping the controller and it works, you might have a bad electrical connection on the controller, or it may be bad.

I guess swapping it out for another one from a local discount auto parts store is worth the hassle.

10-03-2005, 03:11
I just bought the glow controller and relay from www.oehq.com (http://www.oehq.com) It set me back about $125 w/ shipping for both but they are AC Delco (for a 82 6.2L):

AC Delco glow controller is a #212-317
AC Delco glow relay is a #D1777

I bought knockoff's at first, but decided that I don't need any more potential headaches and returned them.


"I know of no way of judging the future but by the past."
Patrick Henry

10-03-2005, 07:37
Originally posted by 84 C2B2:
You see the glow plug controller for sale and it usually starts at $35.00 and works it's way on up. Most of the sellers show an AC Delco box next to it stating "AC Delco controller". What I've come to find out is that it doesn't arrive in the AC Delco box but does have Delphi markings on it. Is this a cheap knock-off and have folks had trouble with this one. I've got one and if I let the truck sit for over a week I have to tap the controller to get it to engage.

Anyone have experience with this GP controller?

Jerry I believe Delphi was spun off of AC Delco in a cash-raising or union-busting scheme (or something like that). (Seems to me I've read they haven't done too well, and are more under Delco's wing, again.)

Delphi now owns CAV Diesel Systems of Great Britain.

Likely, the "Delco" boxed controllers and the "Delphi" boxed controllers are identical.

The Delco controllers were being manufactured by in the USA, in Wisconsin, by CLUM, which became CAMDEC, and then CAMDEC was bought out in April of 2001, by Trombetta Corp. The latest units I have seen (Delco) are now imported (Taiwan?), but physically look the same.

...For whatever all that's worth!

10-03-2005, 11:41
Great, just what we want, a Taiwan made part on our U.S. 6.2 eventually..

I'm so sick of this imported economy..