View Full Version : glow glugs wont cycle

09-10-2005, 16:07
The saga continues. I have the engine and tranny out of an 83 sub and put it in my 91 sub that decided two cranks were better than one. I have everything ready to go and can't get my glow plugs to cycle, the relay wont click, no light on the dash NOTHING. I dont know if the 91 is controlled ultimately by the ECM and if I can bypass it. Any help will be appreciated(maybe even instructions for a toggle switch manual relay as a last result). Thanks Don

09-11-2005, 09:13
Is it the original glow controller from the 83, or did you update to the 85-93 model? If it's the original, I'd just go ahead and do the upgrade, it'll cause you a lot less grief and be more reliable to boot.

09-11-2005, 17:18
Peninsular Engine has a glow controller kit which can be programed for different times, 1 - 15 seconds.

09-12-2005, 19:08
To by pass a factory glow plug on the older style i would: check for power on the top side connector of the glow plug relay( two wire)one wire will show +12v on it when the ignition is on and the other wire is the pulse from the glow plug controler , you can tap in to the wire not showing +12v ignition and momentary ground it, then you should have glow cycle, i would ground it for about 5 or so seconds not more than 10 hope this works for you

09-13-2005, 19:20
Looking at the schematic on the 6.2 repair manual, if the inhibit switch mounted on the passenger side, next to the last injector,close to the fire wall doesn't show 12v ignition on either side of the connectors maybe you have a bad fuse,this one also controls the cold idle solenoid infront of the pump,if you have the controler that has biult in solenoid,it has a five wires connector starting from passenger side if still mounted on engine first wire will have ground, second 12v ignition,3rd will be connected to one side of the inhibit sw and the other to the big bolt on the driver side this will be the glow plug feed or solenoid out put,i don't know if on this sistem will also connect to the idle solenoid mentioned before it did onthe old stile, the big bolt on the passenger side (controler)is going to the battery (12v )
hope you can understand,i will say that on this tipe of controler you can by pass the inhibit sw if you apply 12v momentary to the 3rd wire on the connector i wiil get a momentary sw and run 12v on one side and the other to this 3rd wire, fuse your power source.


09-13-2005, 19:23
I didn't mention 4th and5th wires,4thwire is engine cranking input and the 5th wire has no connection.