View Full Version : bubbling in the radiator, anything besides bad head gasket??

04-06-2005, 04:12
Still trying to figure out my overheating problem last night.

Took off the cap and filled the radiator to the top, tried to work all the air out by pinching the radiator hoses till no more air came out. Started the truck and let it idle, constant bubbling comeing from the fill, and the level never went down.

Please tell me this could be something besides a bad head gasket!!!

Could this also explain my overheating problem.

Thanks in advance

04-06-2005, 05:08

Overheating + bubbling coolant = head gasket. 90% of the time. The other possibilities are cracked head, or cracked cylinder (rare).

You could do a pressure test to verify it. Set up just like you are doing a compression test, but use shop air at the glow plug hole (valves closed). That air should find it's way to the coolant if the gasket is blown or head is cracked. It will also show your amount of blowby at each cylinder.

04-06-2005, 08:37
Thank's, I was hoping it was something more simple, I changed the one head gasket last year, hopefully it is the other one now.

Thanks again

04-09-2005, 06:52
I hate to conferm bad news but when they overheat and ya got the bubbles the little beastie needes to come apart. As was mentioned by Dmax. Take the heads to a good auro machine shop and get them magnafluxed and pressure tested. I have had two do the bubble thing and both were cracked heads.
A word to the wise, if you buy a used head/heads to repair your engine dont buy unless replacement or refund guaranteed. Too many pieces of junk on ebay and in the adds that say good condition, came from running engine. I have been there done that and got burned.Do replace the head bolts when you do the deed. Now if you want to save some $$$ do this get the engine warm and then remove the water crossover pipe and disconnect the water pump belt/belts fill the engine at the heads till the water is to the top. Start it and see which head is doing the leaking. This will save you tearing both off unless the rig has a buttload of miles and should come down anyway.
Good luck

04-11-2005, 06:39
That is a good idea, never thought of doing that. I replaced the drivers side head gasket about 2000 miles ago because it had blown out between the 2 front cylinders, and was wondering if it the same one or the other one now.

Thanks again