View Full Version : TTD Update

Peter J. Bierman
01-11-2004, 08:52
Put in the marine pump and some minor modifications.
Replace the copper turbo oil lines with flexible hoses for the ease off removing the intake monifold.

The result: The engine fired right up, sounded like a power stroke :D and runs smoothly.
After warmup I drove it for a wile before I floored it, lot off black smoke and much better performance. EGT right up to 1200 at 3000 RPM.
Turbos at 16 psi right away!
The TH400 has to be tuned, the 1-2 shift takes to long with a lot of slip!! (have a 4L80 waiting )
With warm engine at stationairy in drive the RPM is going up and down 200 RPM. !? Have to figgure that one out yet.

I bought a set off short 6.5 Injectors on Ebay wich will be modified to Hi pop/flow and the timing is a point off concern for the moment, I think it's retarded but have no way off checking right now.

In conclusion; I am on the right way, but do not dare to go to the limit for the moment, have to be sure about timing first.

I keep you posted


01-11-2004, 22:04
Peter, when I installed my upgraded injectors, I had similar symptoms. In my case the timing was too advanced and the truck sounded like a Powerstroke - try retarding the IP about 1mm at a time and retest. As you say the only sure way is with a timing meter - YMMV but too advanced timing can cause damage very quickly as well as weird running behavior.

Peter J. Bierman
01-12-2004, 08:31
Does that also go for the upgraded IP?
I am still running normal injectors.


01-12-2004, 13:26
YMMV, but if the diesel clatter sounds as loud as a direct injected engine, the timing is probably too advanced. This is especially so if that new IP has an agressive timing advance curve - this proved to be the problem with my setup.

01-12-2004, 14:19
I can believe that the marine IP has a fast advance. It is set that way because a prop will slip through the water and not be hard on the engine as a direct drive vehicle. The torque convertor helps but not enough. Think of a turbo-prop plane when they give the throttle for take-off. The prop slips before loading the engine.

Peter J. Bierman
01-12-2004, 14:34
I think the diesel rattle is not loud enough only when cold, as soon as it warms up you can hardly tell it's a diesel, so thats why I think it's retarded too much.
But since a few moments I am the lucky owner of a snap on MT 480 Timing device so in a few weeks I know exactly whats going on :D .
It comes in together with the 6.5 injectors so things are looking good for me.
I am on call this week so I can't do a lot of test driving but I find some time this weekend.
I am going to Email peninsular for timing specs on this pump and see what comes up.

I'll keep you posted on any devellopments.

C.K. Piquup
01-14-2004, 04:28
Once past the electronic obstacle,you`ll love the 4L80.....E?Mine shifts hard(1-2)and I feel will need no changes to accomodate the 35" tires.Your surging may be caused by the stock injectors causing a"feed-back" between your hi-flow pump.Maybe you should try the hi-pops first before moving things around,since you`ve got a baseline.

Peter J. Bierman
01-14-2004, 13:33
Sorry, forgot the E on the 4L80....E ;)I do not expect many problems with the electronics since it was hooked to a mechanical injected 6.2 and is set up as a stand alone unit.

As for the fuel injection part,
I plan to take it one step at the time from here.
But since the injectors and timing thing take a few weeks to get here I'll do some other stuff on the truck.
Replacing the electric prime pump and rebuild the exhaust.
As soon as I get the injectors I'll modify them to hi pop/flow and see what happens.
When everytthing workout ok I'll do some baseline messurements like pre and after intercooler temps.
After that I go dynoing for a day or so and do some experimenting with boost pressure and timing and maybe watermist injection :eek: .

But for now I can only wait on the parts :(

I'll keep you posted.
