View Full Version : Remember my timing chain noise?

03-22-2005, 18:49
You may remember I recently replaced my timing chain, water pump, damper, front seal, belts, hoses, etc. When I put it back together, I had what I described as timing chain noise at fast idle speeds. It was a gear/chain, or whirring noise coming from the front center of the engine. See http://forum.thedieselpage.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=2;t=003490

Well, my father is a retired machinist. So when he stopped over to visit, I asked him to take a listen and tell me if I need to pull it apart again. Perhaps I had a defective gear/chain set or something?

So I start the truck and he listens for about five minutes, not saying much. He asks me to vary the engine speed, all the time listening to the sounds its making. Finally he tells me that "it sounds like air". When I asked him for more details he could not elaborate much except that it sounded like air moving, not gear/chain noise.

I dug into things a little bit and found that when I moved the CDR valve to make room while I worked, the rubber F shaped elbow underneath it tore. This allowed the engine to suck air through there and made the noise that I heard. $26 later (special order item from the dealer) and the sound is gone!

Moral of the story? I suppose two heads are better than one, and a retired experienced machinist who knows nothing about diesel engines can do pretty well! :D

G. Gearloose
03-23-2005, 03:13

03-26-2005, 10:50
Your Father is one clever cookie. If he would like to be a member of TheDieselPage.com in his own right, I will pay for his first year's online membership. Email me at leeswanger "at" yahoo "dot" com and I will make the arrangements.

Dr. Lee :cool: