View Full Version : new guy with some 6.2 questions

03-22-2005, 16:03
Hi--I'm new to this board, and pretty new to the 6.2 liter world. I've been wanting for some tome to put a 6.2 into a (full size) Jeep Cherokee. I have a donor vehicle--a 1983 Chevy pickup with a 6.2 and 700r4. I also have a government surplus 6.2. Is one of these engines a better candidate for rebuild than the other? I have heard that "J" type engines are better in some way than others. How can I identify whether my government engine is a J-engine?

03-23-2005, 06:30
There are so few differences between the C and J engine that it won't matter. The engines are identical internally, the difference comes in the intake used, the lack of an exhaust flapper and a free flowing intake manifold. You can identify the difference by looking at the intake. the J intake will be a dual plane intake. The C intake will have a port smack dab in the middle that usually still has the EGR valve sitting on top of. Either engine will make a great rebuilder, just be sure to pull the oil pan before you invest any time or money into the block, you'll want to look for main webbing cracks.

C.K. Piquup
03-26-2005, 08:01
Is the surplus vehicle military/CUCV?If so,and original,it would be the better block due having a higher-nickle content block.

03-26-2005, 09:51
So far as I can tell, the engine came out of a Humm-vee. I say this only because it has a strange hub on the front of the water pump pulley that is just like one I saw in an Army Hummvee. The intake has no obstructions, and it has headers rather than exhaust manifolds. I have taken it apart down to the bare block, and I have found no cracks around the main bearing webs.

03-26-2005, 10:47
Sounds like a genuine Military Humvee engine. If you are REALLY adventurous, pull the heads and check to see if the original cross-hatching is prominent in every cylinder bore.

Dr. Lee :cool:

03-26-2005, 16:29
Well--I only paid $150.00 for it--because it was frozen solid! I had to soak thetop ends of the cylinders and pistons in oil a few days, then force the pistons out. There is still cross-hatching half-way up the cylinders, but the tops are still pretty rusty. I'll probably reuse this block, but it will have to bored to clean up the cylinders.