View Full Version : Oily Soot in Intake

10-24-2004, 12:52
I took the top off the air intake to do the air modifications of cutting the webbing out as per the tips on kennedy's webpage. What I found was that the openings on the air channel were almost sooted shut. The intake manifold was coated with this oily soot too. What does this mean? Am I in for an expensive repair?

Dvldog 8793
10-24-2004, 17:21
With your engine running take the cap off the oil fill hole and hold your hand over it and see if you can feel pressure. The soot could be coming from the Crankcase vent that termnates in front of the turbo. If it was sooted up that bad I would think that you have allot of blow-by. Is your truck an EGR rig? If so then it could also be a fualty EGR system.
Hope this helps......
Conley Janssen

10-24-2004, 17:59
Soot is common with a diesel. If you are not using a large amount of oil and not seeing smoke I would consider this normal.

G. Gearloose
10-25-2004, 02:25
Pretty much normal for an L56.

10-26-2004, 12:06
Is there a way to test the crankcase vent that goes to the turbo? There's a gold part with "this end up" on it between the valve cover and the turbo. Could that be defective? I'm not using any oil between changes or at least not much.

10-27-2004, 06:27

search "CDR", crankcase depression regulator, see GMCTD.