View Full Version : Cruise Control

10-02-2004, 20:16
Has anyone converted the older vacuum style cruise to the newer electronic style?

10-03-2004, 11:21
Look at the
2000 FEATURE ARTICLES AND PRODUCT REVIEW BOOK, (http://www.thedieselpage.com/back00.htm) seventh article down. I did exactly what you are asking about, and it has been working flawlessly ever since. I highly recommend ditching the old servo-electrical vacuumo-gremlin system for the more modern electronic version.

Dr. Lee :cool:

10-03-2004, 11:43
I know I'm going to get battered for this one but this has been bothering me for quite some time. Why do we have to pay for a bound copy of previous articles? The internet structure and price of hosting means that the price of keeping these articles up is negligable at best. Doesn't it make sense to build the data each year rather than take it off and make paying memebers pay for it in print?

10-03-2004, 12:16
If you start subscribing to a paper magazine like "Four Wheeler" this year, should that entitle you to a copy of everything they ever printed, in on-line electronic format? Or do you buy back issues if you see something in a multi-year index that is of interest to you?

If you are a subscriber when the content is created (either "Four Wheeler" or www.TheDieselPage.com), (http://www.TheDieselPage.com),) you are paying for access to it, and the right (to download and) to keep one copy for your personal use. If you came late to the party, you have to pay for that access after the fact. This is More Power's, and "Four Wheeler's", basic value proposition.

Dr. Lee :cool:

10-03-2004, 15:20
With all due respect Dr. Lee the diesel page has never been, to my knowledge, a paper magazine. I see your point about 4 wheeler but that publication is an entirely different animal from the diesel page. The diesel page does not have anywhere near the overhead of a paper publication and for that matter provides substantially less overall information for the same price. I will freely admit that my opinion heavily biased after the server failure a year ago. I thought that the offer to provide free temporary access to one past article was a pitiful mitigation for the loss from boards.

10-03-2004, 15:25
I understand and agree with the subscription / year concept. However, I agree in at least one point. I fail to download some of the current years content before it's removed that I find would be useful later. I think a good value to all members would be a end of year pdf with the current years articles, that could be downloaded.

In that way, the paying members get access to the entire year's content in an easy to search pdf format that they can keep. It would be much easier to search than going through my stash of four wheeler paper magazines that keep falling off the shelf......

10-03-2004, 16:39
To be perfectly honest, I think the most usefull information is presented on the boards and that the feature articles pale in comparison. While it is interesting to read about the Duramax power project that our membership fees are building, I don't think it is the best way to spend the money we provide in the membership. I have been a member of this group for almost five years (I have chosen not to renew until some of my concerns are addressed however) and predate the majority here, so I have seen a lot that has gone on. I see the value in everything this place is about but I want the members to have more control. I will outright say that the members area does not provide a good value. We get on average 20 four to ten page articles a year, a quarter of which seem to be ads for the diesel page advertisers. There's more information in one $4.95 issue of Four Wheeler. I really think the members deserve to have some say in what the content is. Futhermore, the members should demand an accounting of where the money is going! I have little doubt that the money collected from memberships and advetsisements far exceeds the cost to run this site even including a fair salary for Mr. Bigley. All this being said I would be absolutely ecstatic if someone were to come along and prove me wrong.

10-03-2004, 21:31
Staying out of this is hard. Plenty of the articles/postings that were lost used to be accessable online as past postings. They were a treasure of knowledge from past experience. Some of the postings were from articles by some of the elite members that were getting huge discounts on parts or sometimes free merchandise. The individual did it out of their own pockets using TDP advertisers. I did a rebuild using the same info/prices from TDP. I could not come close to the cost that TDP article posted. That is even after knowing Auto Jobber wholesellers. Also I got bad info from The Diesel Pages Rebuild Manual. At first after I posted the error about head gaskets that cost me hundreds to have fixed I was told I was wrong. After TDP researched it they posted their error with my pictures of it without costing members. That clear free posting is now gone and now there is only a reference to it. I have had a bad feeling about articles on the TDP since they seem to never question their advertisers. I did a complete rebuild on my engine which was posted which was lost along with others.
The articles in the past were just a carrot on a stick to get /keep members before the Duramax IMHO. Now they are not cost/important with older models phasing out and the owner/members becoming fewer. The money/advertisers on this site now belong to the newer diesel products and now they are doing us a favor allowing us to buy allready paid for in the past info.

One last mention. I was involved in a small sport which having exposure to the public had its perks. Especially being a champion. This brought out all kinds of free equipment for testing. It also meant showing it to the public that we were using it got us more stuff. I could call a manufacturer ask for a product and tell them that it would be seen and we would get it for hardly nothing. Ahh yes it is good for some to have exposure.

[ 10-03-2004, 09:52 PM: Message edited by: crew84 ]

10-04-2004, 06:54
To get back on subject, the cruise control that is talked about in the article is the SCS/Frigette model. Do a google search and you will see it. The install should be a piece of cake. Not sure why Dr. Lee didn't just say that in the first place.

10-05-2004, 03:36
I've only been a member a little over a year. The time I have saved and the answers were well worth the expense. Some of us are learning a lot. What about installing cruise on a model without it from the factory? Thanks Nape

10-05-2004, 09:34
The SCS/Frigette model will do just what you want, Nape. It includes everything you need, even the new turn signal stalk with the cruise control switches, just like factory.

Dr. Lee :cool: