View Full Version : While I wait for AAA to come tow me...

08-11-2005, 10:51
I've posted about my tranny troubles in the past, and I thought I had it fixed. Here's the deal.

My tranny won't shift out of 1st gear...if I pull the pan and put a new filter in, it works great until I take it for a long drive at 60 MPH or above (at least that's the only times it's failed). During the trip I'll usually get a hard 1-2 shift and on the way here today, it started shifting later and later. I've adjusted the cable and everything, I tried putting it in reverse and stomping the pedal (which worked once) and I'm totally stuck. I'm sure if I drop the pan again and put new fluid and filter in, it'll work for another few hundred miles or so.

But WTF?

I'm assuming I've got something keeping it from building pressure.

I'm going to have to drop it and rebuild it, so I need a good source for parts and whatnot.

Please let me know.

08-11-2005, 11:33
www.fourthgearinc.com (http://www.fourthgearinc.com)

is my tip, from florida just outside Orlando.

He built me a superb tranny and I really like :D

Also very good service and knowledge

08-12-2005, 02:02
I found a place nearby that will build up a super tranny for about 700...but I can do it myself for 3-400. So I'm gonna get a kit and try it myself.
I'll be happy to submit an article if requested when that time comes.

08-12-2005, 08:38
Okay, I managed to score a 2nd 700R4 for me to rebuild, that way I should be able to patch mine back together so I can at least buy food for my family :D (thank God for the carpool to work) and work on rebuilding the "new" one.

Then, I'll swap them, and if the new one works, I'll rebuild the old one.

Anything I need to look out for on the donor transmission before I start working on it?