View Full Version : Need Diagnostic Help - Bad Vibration

Alaska Aviator
04-19-2004, 16:02
I've got this nagging problem. At about 68 mph I get a pretty bad vibration and mild rattling noise - not rpm dependent but speed dependent - happens in overdrive or drive. The vibration and noise go away about 72 and it smoothes out.

I can throw the trans in N and let engine idle and it is still vibrating if I'm going faster than 68.

I've had the wheels and tires balanced several times - I've had the drive shaft balanced and u-joints replaced. It also did it before my transmission was rebuilt with new torque converter, so it's not that.

Any help appreciated!



Dvldog 8793
04-19-2004, 16:21
(1) Wheel bearings
(2) Drive shaft balance
(3) rear end problems
(4) axle problems
The drive shaft you can pull and have balanced
The wheel bearings I would just replace
The rear end should be checked by someone that is good at setting them up properly
The same guy/gal would know how to check your axles.
Hope this helps!!!!

04-19-2004, 16:23
You might look into wheel or rotor run-out (bent rim or warped rotor), rear drums out of round, or a thrown belt in your tires. Balancing won't fix any of these problems.

If it is lifted a bunch, you may have a driveline angle problem.

Hope this helps,


04-19-2004, 17:25
A front shock bracket rubber bushing wore out

04-19-2004, 19:01
brake rotor(s) or tires out of balance/round/true. replace all rotating mass components until it smoothes out. sorry. :mad: