View Full Version : Turbo model

Craig M
03-03-2005, 06:29
Have a turbo from 6.2 engine. Had a full set of mainfolds and air intake. Is not the Banks unit. Turbo is stamped, "Roto-Master Hi -Flow, A/R 85". Which turbo is this, and how does it compare with the GM and Banks units. It does appears larger than the Banks turbo.

Craig M
03-03-2005, 12:40
This post was placed in the 6.5 section on purpose. 6.5's have turbo's, most 6.2's do not. I would expect to get more answers from teh 6.5 people. Please return this post to the 6.5 section.

More Power
03-04-2005, 08:26
Moving this topic thread to the 6.2 forum was a judgement call - designed to help you. There are a lot of knowledgeable people in the 6.2 forum who know a good deal about 6.2 turbo systems. However, if you believe there are more or more knowledgeable 6.2 turbo people in the 6.5 forum, post it again.


Stray Cat
03-04-2005, 12:16
Craig, If it is stamped with .85 A/R, the exhaust housing is similar to the second one that I am testing, which has a 0.84 A/R. But, I am intrigued by the fact that it is "larger"! I am guessing that the part that is larger is the intake compressor. If so, I am interested in seeing, and possibly testing, it. I will call you...I just found your contact info stuffed in the end of the headers you brought for testing. I saw the paper before, but never took it out and looked at it; I assumed it was a receipt as you said the headers were new. I am done with the headers and have them ready to return to you. The results of the test are posted on my "6.2TD engine experiment" string. I have a printed data/graph that I can show you, also. If you want to come by and see the engine on the dyno, I don't think John will mind.