View Full Version : Electric fans

07-04-2004, 09:44
Has anybody installed an electric fan in place of that damn noisey clutch fan. I would like to get rid of it or find something that dont make noise, I would like to here the motor instead of that damn fan! :mad:

07-04-2004, 11:27
Don't do it! It won't work! I tried with the most expensive fans I could find and it overheated on the first hill. I went right back home and installed the old fan again. You are lucky that your fan clutch seems to be kicking in a lot, so it must be doing its job. I bought a new heavy duty fan clutch ($200)and a composit plastic fan (used on the Duramax diesel -- ordered from the local dealer for $40). My hot troubles are over. :D You may notice that the Duramax fan is less noisy even though it moves more air. Worth the $40.