View Full Version : Group Buys?

04-04-2004, 08:45
Hi everyone
Being fairly new to the Dieselpage,i hope everyone will bear with me.
I did a search and didn't find any relevent info on group buys. I did see one post that mentioned it wasn't alowed on the Dieselpage :confused: ,is this corect?
I have a line on a project that may be of interest,but i want to make sure it isn't against any rules here .

04-05-2004, 10:11
More Power will correct any mis-statments that I make, but it is true, TheDieselPage.com does not support "group buys". The advertisers and vendors on TheDieselPage are strong supporters of us, and almost all of them offer special prices that are valid ONLY for members of TheDieselPage - so ask them about their special prices.

Most "group buys" are set up so that the organizer gets whatever he wants for free as a commision or kickback for gathering the group of customers. This is inherently unfair to the buyers laying out their hard cash. This arrangement is usually NOT disclosed, for obvious reasons.

Dr. Lee :cool:

04-05-2004, 12:37
Thanks for the reply Dr Lee
I apreciate the support of the advertisers here and have benifited from their discounts.The project i had in mind is not mecanical,more cosmetic,and in mounths of searching hav'nt yet found a comercial produced item to buy,like this.
I have just gotten into the GM diesel world,and find this forum very helpful.I don't want go against any rules,or upset anyone for no reason.
If this isn't the place to try a run of these,i have no problem.