View Full Version : longer glow plug cycle

11-24-2003, 17:15
Now that cold weather has finally hit us here in Tennessee, I've been able to test my glow plug cycle as per modification instructions I found here last year (I think Dr. Lee's). Along with my new injectors and pump, I'm not even using my block heater (had to use it all last winter even when it wasn't THAT cold). Works wonders! On a cold start up, I get 18 seconds of glow time for my 60G's and it fires right up. I love this forum. :D

11-24-2003, 18:09
The credit goes to More Power. He did the research and wrote the article, available in the 2000 Reprint book, about adding a simple 5 ohm resistor to one of the leads on the controller to lengthen the glow cycle.

Contined thanx to More Power for all that he does for us.

Dr. Lee :cool:

11-24-2003, 20:20
For mine I had to add about 10 ohms to get to 18 seconds which is perfect for our 10 degree weather as of late. It is amazing the difference between 10 and 16 seconds with the 60g's with respect to smoke and rough running.

11-25-2003, 18:16
Can someone tell where that resistor goes? My truck is slow starting in cold weather and I would like to add that feature.

11-25-2003, 19:37
On my '88, if memory serves me correctly, I believe it is PIN C (the middle one) of the connector running to the controller. I used two Radio Shack 10-ohm wire-wound resistors in parallel (not series). I cut the wire to pin C and SOLDERED in the two resistors and wrapped the splice with electrical tape. I left the leads long enough so I could remove the tape and twist them together to restore things the way they were.

11-29-2003, 13:39
You guys got a link to the write up on this mod?

With hard to start 86 van.

11-29-2003, 17:48
You can order the 2000 Reprint Book by clicking
RIGHT HERE (http://www.thedieselpage.com/back00.htm).

The Diesel Page is an e-zine; like a magazine, you can keep it if you bought it at the time it was current, but if you weren't subscribing at the time, you have to buy the back issues.

When you click on the link, you can see all the other cool stuff you get in that year's collection.

Dr. Lee :cool:

11-29-2003, 21:00
Pin C is the glow plug voltage sense terminal. So...by reducing the voltage the controller sees while sensing glow plug voltage this increases the "on time"?

11-29-2003, 21:06
BTW, Dr. Lee. I was a subscribing member the whole 2000 year with no idea I would own a 6.2L in 2003. Unfortunately I have no way to access something I already paid for (previous articles) kinda chaps my a@# to have to fork out twice. Ya know?

12-01-2003, 17:51
I believe you are correct. Lower voltage to pin C means longer on time.

12-03-2003, 08:37
You guys should try JK's "Fast Glow" glow plugs in place of the 60s. At $80 a set, They are less expensive than GM's and on my trucks have worked wonders! One of my trucks (as you can see in my sig line below) has way too many miles on it to start like new and JK's plugs help get it going in northern IN weather. My '82 does have a manual push button to allow me to give it extra glow time. JK's plugs also allow for unlimited glow time anytime it's needed. Give him a call! They work great!

12-03-2003, 20:06
I was wondering... I have a manual push button for the glow plugs on my 6.2L, with the stock 12 volt glow plugs. How long is it safe to have them "on", and not hurt them? I've seen used ones out of other trucks, with the ends burned compleatly off of them, and want the best life I can get out of the plugs, but also want them on as long as is best for my truck to start well!

And another thing... speaking of cold starts... at what point should you really need a block heater? I'll be putting one on/in my truck soon...the in-the-heater-line 'pulse-pump' type that's on it isn't enough in my mind. Doesn't seem to heat the block much, if at all...


12-04-2003, 05:58
Just wondering, last night I tried turning the ignition key off after the first glow cycle and them back on again. I thought that I'd get two long first glow cycle, not! why? because the plugs are already hot?
BTW yesterday morning it was -15C(5F) and the old truck started no prolem, altough a lot of smoke. How cold can you go with these old dogs? not plugged in.

12-17-2003, 20:08
Because the controller's internal timers are set for a 20 second glow cycle. Intial, crank, start.