View Full Version : 6.2 water in fuel light combined with major power loss

11-12-2003, 13:50
after 50 miles or so the egine starts to stutter ,the water in fuel light flashes , the engines stutters to about 10mph and the water light stays on. When left for about an hour the whole process repeats.The last time it went for 500 miles.The tank is clean and the inline filter replaced also the fuel lines purged. all as the book. Any suggestions please apart from setting fire to it. "Desperate" Roger :eek:

11-12-2003, 14:22
The fuel filter has two sensors, but only one indicator, Water In Fuel.
Water sensor goes without saying.
Vacuum sensor is for clogged fuel filter, lines, pick-up sock in-tank - anything that prevents fuel flow.
Could even be excessive vacuum in tank - remove fuel cap to check that.