View Full Version : Alot of problems.Too many to count.

5.7L oldsdiesel
11-03-2005, 08:39
Well guys,got a 95'6.5TD 2500 series chevy pickup.The glow plug light isn't working and won't come on when the key is switched to run.No voltage is going to the plugs.The check engine light won't come on and the service throttle light won't come on either.The fuel solenoid is not clicking when i turn the key off and on.I checked all the fuses and they all look good.It cranks over okay,but thats about it.Where do i go from here?I really need help from you guys.

Please help.


11-03-2005, 09:54
Check the grounds.

Check the connections on the back of the engine on the passenger's side. There will two #16 or #18 ga. wires that connect to one of the intake bolts, make sure these are both there and secure. Then check for a grounding strap in the same area, should be one on the back coolant block off plate attached to the same stud that secures the automatic transmissin dipstick tube.

Then, check underneath, check the connection that the grounding strap makes to the frame rail, this is a connection point to ground the frame and then pass to another grouding strap that grounds to the cab.

Also, make sure both ground battery connections going to the engine are secure.

There is just one more ground at this point, the small pig-tail that connects on the negative battery cable on the passenger's side that connects to the sheet metal fender.

Check all these things and come back...

[ 11-03-2005, 09:24 AM: Message edited by: john8662 ]

11-03-2005, 09:58
Have the outdoors temperatures dropped just when the no start problem appears?

I had the same problem last winter when the temperatures dropped to -3 or so and the lights and also the glow plugs+lift pump wouldn't come on.

I suspected a relay with bad contacts but never found which one.

From what I can make of the factory manual wiring diagram there may be a relay in the PCM which is the main feed to these circuits.

Sorry I can't be of more help but I'm waiting for the temperatures to drop to see if the "no start" occurs this winter.

Jim Twaddle
Biggar, Scotland

5.7L oldsdiesel
11-03-2005, 11:41
Thanks guys for the responses.I really do appreciate the help so far.I will do that and i'll let you know what happens.It'll be a few days before i can get back to working on it,but i'll let you know the outcome.

Thanks john8662 and to twaddle.Your help is greatly appreciated. smile.gif

11-03-2005, 14:36
Your ignition switch could be toast as well.

11-04-2005, 07:39
Good Day!

This sounds like something very basic isn't even getting power. I think I'd check & see if your PCM is being powered.

I think the only thing powered by the + cable off the passenger-side battery is the starter; the driver-side battery powers the rest of the truck Yeah, I know, they're in parallel, but if you've got crummy battery connections, you need to remember this.

I think the 95's are notorious for flaky problems caused by the ignition switch - another thing to keep in mind...

I'd get factory service manual (I buy one for every vehicle I own). If you can troubleshoot an electrical problem without wiring diagrams/schematics, I'm impressed. :eek: I sure can't do it.


11-05-2005, 06:47
5.7L olsdiesel...

I concur on the grounding cleaning and tightening - most important! The one at rear left of engine, check well, especially if multiple nuts and washers as lock bolt system - the top nut could be tight but the bottom nut or the bolt could be loose (this happened to me).

Another good thing to do is unplug, blowout and swab with contact cleaner, your ECM connectors.

Again though, as you did before, check all circuit connectors in the system affected and apply dielectric grease. A rubber ink erasure works well for cleaning contact surfaces where you can.

Good luck...

5.7L oldsdiesel
11-05-2005, 14:39
Thanks guys.I really appreciate all the help so far.I'll be working on the truck Monday if all goes well.I should also add that the fuel pump is on instantly when the key is switched to run.That means the ignition switch is okay right?Also,i do have a water in fuel light on,ABS is on,low coolant light along with the battery light is also on when the key is switched to run.

You guys are great.I'll be sure to let everyone know how things go on Monday.

Have a great day everyone. smile.gif

11-06-2005, 07:00
> If you can troubleshoot an electrical problem without wiring diagrams/schematics, I'm impressed. I sure can't do it.
Roger that!

Olds-All above advice good. If you don't get marked improvement after the connection/grounds/ignition switch exercise , strongly suggest get a manual , and carefully chart each step taken in your troubleshooting/corrective action program , one can complicate existing issues easily. Do keep an eye out for alterations/abrasions of the OEM harness. Manipulate harness connectors with care , several have been found in pristine condition at high mileage. Don't do this in wet weather.