View Full Version : Bad luck with used vehicles...

06-24-2004, 21:26
Rather long story but a bit bored tonight sooooo.... Well I bought my first diesel ever this past January. I thought I was getting a good deal, a 96 GMC Yukon 2Dr 4WD with only 75,000 miles for $11,000. 75,000 miles?? Wow that is just getting broken in. I flew to Michigan from the west coast to drive it back. Got there late Friday night and was met at the airport. Looked the vehicle over took it for a quick test drive. It felt good. So I did the business got some road supplies from an open late Autozone, a bite to eat and headed out. An hour and a half into the trip there was miss from the tranny area but it picked back up for about 10 more miles. Then there was a quick jolt and from there it was as if I shifted into neutral. Remember the good feeling earlier well it was coming back up from my stomach. 10:30 at night on a Friday night in the middle if Michigan coasting down the side of the freeway I didn't have a good feeling anymore. I was a sign for a Holiday Inn at the next exit and was able to make it to that exit but not completely off the freeway. Tried all the gears and nothing. I thought maybe I lost the driveshaft?? No there would be more noise and destruction. Well maybe I could put it into 4Hi and see if it's a diff problem. nope no go. However I was able to get it into 4lo. Hmmmmmm got it to the hotel and checked in. of course I couldn't sleep for a few hours but finally did. Got up first thing and started making calls. Nobody open on a Sat would have to wait until Monday. arggggg. Called the broker I bought it from and immediately he went on the defensive. I said I'm not blaming you but want to know if you have any connections to get this thing fixed this weekend. He said he would make a few calls and get back to me. He called me 15 minutes later to say that a tow truck was on its way and that he had a guy there that would work on it this weekend. Got to ride back with the tow truck driver and found out a lot about snowmobiling. We got to the tranny shop and dropped the Yukon. No one there. That

06-24-2004, 21:49
Make sure you get the fan clutch to go with the cooling mods!

06-24-2004, 23:48
I am laughing with you, and its only because if I didn't - I'd cry for not making Duramax payments for the last year, instead of what has transpired with owning TWO used 6.5L TDs.

Both were "great purchases", and have since made me good money plowing and hauling, but have been money pits as far as repairs go. Here is the list - in case it makes you feel any better!

#1 - No boost - TurboMaster installed. Water pump literally shatters, taking radiator and fan with it. Front drive shaft seizes and breaks at u-joint. Too many electrical gremlins to count or remember. One mechanic, while under the dash with a flashlight, asks me - "was this truck under water for an extended period of time?"

#2 - No boost. TurboMaster installed. PMD failure. Throttle position sensor (pedal assembly) failure - first one the GM tech had ever seen. Exhaust manifold gaskets blown out. Running hot - performance fan and clutch, radiator. No power - new lift pump, filters, timing adjustment. (Still no power) Crankshaft breaks. New motor, new exhaust, new performance chip, gauges, TurboMaster, oil cooler, lines, seals, belts, hoses, etc. to complete longblock swap while retaining GM-8 turbo and updated cooling crossover and dual thermostats.

Initial cost of two 1994 6.5L TDs - 13K. Additional parts, labor over last two years to keep them operational and deliver approximately 60K useful miles between both - 15K. Value of either truck on a good day - 5-6K (to someone that has never owned a diesel truck before.)

Gee, I could have been making two (used) Duramax payments and they would be nearly half paid for!

06-25-2004, 08:44
Wow Mark I see where you would be laughing. My buddy that was with me on the initial drive and usually my road trips did his best to keep me laughing about the issues that popped up and still does. He's coming over tonight to help with the ABS and the cooling upgrades. Oh and yes RonnieJoe I did the clutch fan already with the D-Max blades. I really am considering a D-max upgrade. Just need to see how much I can get a loan for that or take out a second mortgage on the house... =(

06-25-2004, 14:27
Just pull the ABS fuse till you get it fixed. At least it will stop when you want it to.

06-25-2004, 15:52
as far as i'm concerned abs stands for (a bunch of s#*T)

06-27-2004, 20:48
I pulled the fuse and you are right at least I can drive it until I can get it taken care of. Thanks for the help =)

patrick m.
06-28-2004, 17:30
call me cheap if you want to, but i have had my abs fuse out for about 18 months :rolleyes:
rather spend money on chips, and exhaust, and turbos, etc, etc...... :D

fear not! after a short while, all of these problems will be behind you. Just keep on getting parts, and kits from the guys who have been there and done that. Thats what i did, and now i have a reliable, much more powerful truck.

07-11-2004, 09:51
Update. Well I finally got the ABS fixed. Come to find out it wasn't the ABS at all but the passenger side wheel hub that was bad. Once that was replaced ABS is good to go again.

07-11-2004, 12:49
Your story makes me feel blessed "bought someone elses problem"