View Full Version : TURBO ?

06-14-2004, 05:41
On my 95 6.5 turbo, where does the turbo get it's lubrication from? And is there a way to check to make sure it's getting lubed?

06-14-2004, 06:44
It is lubricated from the pressurized engine oil system. Checking it for proper lubrication would involve plumbing in some sort of gauge into the oil feed line into the turbo.

I imagine that if lube was lost, the turbo wouldn't last more than a few minutes, and it would probably show as a loss of boost and a hell of a noise.


06-14-2004, 18:32
Mine has SS braided sheath on plastic/rubber line from block forward of psgr head to top of turbo. The feed is from cam tappet gallery.