View Full Version : Too much smoke

11-19-2003, 08:24
I have been getting a lot more smoke lately than I did not too long ago. It happens when I try to accelerate or in 5th gear at low rpms. It only started doing this after a new IP was installed, so I am thinking it might be caused by the timing and tdc offset (whatever that is) being reset. It also has been lacking power, especially when in 5th. I am going to change the air filter later to see if maybe it isn't getting enough air, but other than that I don't know what else to do. Any suggestions? Thanks.

11-19-2003, 11:01
A turbo thats not functioning properly will cause lots of smoke.
Check for vacuum at the waste gate cannister,and be sure the waste gate canister actually holds vacuum. If no vacuum is present, suspect either plumbing leaks, vacuum pump or vacuum control solenoid(drivers side rear valve cover on VIN F engine)I lost a vacuum canister AND a vacuum solenoid on two different ocassions.Without a boost gauge I didnt even realize it since I dont usually drive the truck very hard.

11-19-2003, 11:48
Well, turns out the air filter was filthy, so I changed it, but there is still more smoke than there was before. The dealership also replaced the wastegate valve along with the IP, so I might be getting less boost because it's opening better. I don't know anything about this engine except what I hear here, so how do you check the vacuum again, and where is everything, and what does everything look like in as few big words as possible :D Thanks.

11-19-2003, 12:46
The dealership should have a record of what the TDC offset is set to. Optimal should be -1.94. I think your timing is late which shows up as less power and more smoke. See if they will set it to this as you will have better starting and smoother idle....all around better running engine. smile.gif

11-19-2003, 13:20
Called the dealership and the timing was set to -1.75, so should I see about getting it changed or is that close enough?

11-19-2003, 20:28
-1.75 is close enough without any guages. Being a 1500 series you probably have an EGR valve on top of the Intake Manafold. Take the vacuume line off and plug it good with a screw or golf tee. This can help a little with smoke re-entering the Intake.

A plugged Cat. can create a restriction in the Exhaust getting out. The easier these truck breath the better they run. I lost my Cat one day and picked up five lbs. of boost and dropped 100* on the Exhaust temps. along with opening up the pipes to 3 1/2". Smoke cleared up and it's never run better!

11-20-2003, 05:38
Yes, between -1.50 and -1.94 should be good. Try Charlie's ideas. smile.gif

11-20-2003, 20:39
Ok, I took it to a mechanic and they couldn't find anything wrong with it, said it may be bad fuel causing the smoke and to go buy some fuel additive. Tried the additive and no change. It also jumps/shudders in the beginning of 5th still and a lot more smoke comes out when it does this. I am about ready to give up on it. I love this truck but don't have an endless bank account to keep it running :( . I am going to try and look at it again tomorrow and hopefully I will find the problem. Here is a list of all the stuff I have done lately, so if this gives anyone any ideas that would be great.

New IP, new wastegate, new fuel lines, fuel filter changed (I didn't notice the smoke until the new fuel filter), air filter, changed oil, took the turbo power cover off, and I cussed at it a few times too.


11-20-2003, 20:54
I think you said that the dealer replaced the waste gate solenoid valve...

That is a small device mounted over the left valve cover that has two vacuum lines and two wires coming to it. This controls vacuum to the waste gate actuator. I recently had a failure of the actuator...the push rod broke inside where it attaches to the piston.

When the engine is running at idle, reach down and try to open the waste gate with your hand by pushing on the rod in the rearward direction. If you can open it, something is wrong.

Check to ensure you have vacuum at the actuator. I checked vacuum at the pump and found about 22" Hg. Checked at the actuator (downstream of the solenoid valve) and found about 16" Hg. If you have numbers similar to this, but can open the waste gate by hand when idling, the actuator has failed.

Hope this helps.

11-21-2003, 01:27
Since you noticed the smoke after changing the fuel filter maybe it has an air leak. Is the lift pump operating properly? If it isn't and there is a slight leak at the filter you could see white or grey smoke under load. If it is black I would suspect low boost.

11-21-2003, 12:41