View Full Version : Bad heater core issues?

Steve O.
06-12-2005, 18:41

I have been hearing what sounds like coolant sloshing around under the dash, most obviously in the heater core, I suppose. Is this a common problem with these trucks? (120K on mine).

I also have no cold air coming from the AC now. The system is all new, from the compressor to the rear lines. While the guy that did it had "issues" (as in, I had to bring it back several times last year for him to get it right), it did blow cold last summer.

Could these issues be related, and am I going to hate my life if I have to pull the heater core? Do I have to pull the whole dash?

As always, thanks.


06-12-2005, 18:59
The heater core is a pretty simple R&R, although the only real reason to replace it is if it leaks, or is so plugged with crud so as to not provide heat, and flushing doesn't fix it.

Presuming the 2500 and 1500 dash and heater core are similar in 1994, the heater core can be removed from under the dash, below the glove box. There are about a half a dozen small screws holding a plastic shroud, and a clip at the end of the heater core opposite the end where the lines enter and exit through the firewall.

The hoses are clamped to the heater core on the engine side of the firewall, but if you can manage to get comfortable laying on the engine, they are fairly easy to get at to loosen the clamps, but if they have been on there for a while they may be fairly hard to twist off the heater core lines. I had to cut the one that came from the top of the rad, but the hose to the coolant crossover had only been on a year or so and came off pretty easily.

and on edit, while your heater core may possibly be leaking coolant into the lower shroud, I doubt it has anything to do with your A/C trouble, the heater core is in a loop between the radiator and collant crossover pipe, and in no way connected to the A/C.

06-13-2005, 05:37
Steve, been awhile since I've seen a post from you, so I guess you got your rig up and running again, what was the problem?

TJ Moose
06-13-2005, 09:05
I'd agree - most likely the sloshing and A/C have little to do with each other. When I have been aware of sloshing sounds in mine, they were very faint, over on the passenger side of the dash, and I could only hear them at low speed (like - driving really slow on a gravel road with potholes.) I assume its just the coolant sloshing in the resevoir on the engine side of the firewall.
I do have a condensation leak (clear water, not green coolant) that I live with. I used to wonder if that was causing a slosh in the condensate pan - but when the weather has been dry for a long stretch and the A/C not in use - I still hear that faint slosh - and just figure its the coolant reservior.

Steve O.
06-13-2005, 19:33
Originally posted by john8662:
Steve, been awhile since I've seen a post from you, so I guess you got your rig up and running again, what was the problem? John; I'm shocked someone noticed I was gone!

I've been wrapped up dealing with my wife's medical stuff, trying to take care of our 3 1/2 year old girl, work, and in the middle of it all, do the Cannonball One Lap of America for a charity related to her illness. Crazy last couple of months.

She is doing better at the moment, and the One Lap was nuts. Raised over $10,000.00 for the charity. Our website, with stories and pics, can be seen at www.cannonball.rimpro.com (http://www.cannonball.rimpro.com)

Diesel related content: There were a couple of new oil burning VW's, one with a tricked out flame job, that competed. Pretty cool.

Ahhh, the truck: The good news is that its ok. The bad news is that I am a doofus.

Had the truck towed to Mass Diesel. Scott had it a few days and it would not make the death noise it made while I was driving. He ran it for hours, chasing parts, driving around his property, etc... Went over the whole motor. Nothing. Would not take a penny from me even though I know he spent a lot of time on it. He has my business from here on in.

Brought it home, certain it was going to grenade on me anyway. Two days later I was under the hood about to change my fuel filter when I noticed the fuel drain hose at the front of the motor had a shiny groove on the back side of it. The groove matched the edge of the serp belt perfectly. This had to have been it. Must have popped out of place and caused the nasty wrapping noise that picked up with throttle position. Probably popped back out of place when the truck went up on the flatbed or hit a bump while being towed.

I meant to let the list know the result, but before I could muster up the energy to post what an idiot I was, we had some new med issues and it all got lost in the shuffle.

Long answer to a short question, but thanks for asking.


06-14-2005, 05:30
You've been quite busy! Glad that your wife is doing better right now. Thats crazy that you guys raised 10k that quickly, right on!

I'm also glad you found the problem was something simple, every now and then you've got to get a break right?