View Full Version : Parking Brake Drag

05-29-2005, 15:12
I had a problem today. Last week I tood the truck to the local mech and said it doesn't want to stop. He said he bleed the rear brakes and adjusted the rear brakes. I drove the truck a couple days and no problems. Today I take the boat to the river with no problem, but on the way home the rear brakes were very hot and smoking. Only thing I can think of is that I set the parking brake at the river. I wonder if it is sticking? Is there a way to check this without removing the axle/drum? The wheel won't turn by hand now, can I back the adjuster off to get it loose? Any suggestions.

Thanks guys and have a good Memorial Day Weekend.

05-30-2005, 00:54
Definately I would back off both left and right side a bit until they turn freely. Anything is better than burning up a good set of rear shoes. I had to replace mine at 160K to pass Md. inspection and it took a long time for my mechanic and I to get them broken in and adjusted correctly. They are one huge set of drums!!!

06-01-2005, 15:29
I had that problem when the shop tried to adjust the rear brakes like they do on "regular" cars, i.e. getting just a bit of drag. Both were smoking when I got home and it felt like a boat anchor was attached to the hitch!

The factory manual states that the brakes have to be backed off 20 clicks (33 on dual servo). I don't know which ones we have, but the 20 clicks have worked on my K1500 Suburban. Shop doesn't want to believe it though......

06-01-2005, 15:47
They are duo servos on the Diesels. I did a search of the DP to verify this.

Factory spec is 33 clicks out from brake drag. I found 22 works well enough for me, but your mileage may vary.

Apparently, the important thing is NOT to have any drag on a cold, freshly adjusted brake.

Check the axle end seals for leakage too. Dripping oil can cause dragging etc.

06-01-2005, 17:16
Thanks guys, I backed them off until there was no drag and then a little more. I am still not happy with the brakes. I just can't stop. I've had it to a garage and they don't seem to have an answer. I figure if I push them, they will say to do a whole $1000 brake job. Maybe thats what it needs, but it will be hard on the pocket book. I keep hoping its something simple and I can fix it.

Thanks again