View Full Version : Peninsular 6.5 marine engines & boat videos.

More Power
10-18-2005, 08:33
Member and Peninsular rep Tim Knobloch sent the following email to me recently, and I thought you all might be interested to see a couple of videos showing their marine 6.5's and the boats they're in.

Hello all,

Most of you know of the many things I'm into. For several years now Peninsular Engines has been one of them. Peninsular has many success stories all over the globe but not one that has been put to professional videos. It's not very often one gets to toot one's horn so I thought I would pull the chain on Peninsular's horn just this once. This video is of a boat called "Leviathan" powered by two Peninsular Marine Diesels. (http://jfvideo.mattyorke.co.uk/videos/final.wmv)
This LINK (http://www.boatmad.com/) takes to where you'll find another video of this boat. It's a much better video put to music and has a really cool full throttle 73mph pass shot while in the boat looking out the back. Click on the link, then "Readers Rides", go to page 2, the last boat picture is "Leviathan" click on it, go to page 2 and click on the "Phantom" pic or one of the three other options. The attached picture is of the engine bay, the first video has a brighter shot of one engine that you can view if you are quick enough to pause the video. Enjoy

Tim Knobloch