View Full Version : 11% biodiesel sale

4x4 power
10-18-2004, 13:19
Just wondering if anyone has ran an b11 blend of biodiesel. I dont know if it is to much for the injection system but I am interested because the govt has taken away all sales tax on any biodiesel blend greater than 10 percent. Also as an added bonus by January first 2005 for every percent of biodiesel you use results in a 1 cent coupon. Let me know if you guys think b11 will work. b11 costs about 1.90 and that is clear diesel where as I have to 2.29 at the pump in IL
Thanks Joe

10-18-2004, 13:33
I haven't burned any, but would be interested in who/where you are buying it from?

10-18-2004, 16:40
I WAS A MY STATION THE OTHER DAY AND A GUY IN FRONT OF ME (WITH MY DREAM SUB)had a biodiesel sticker in his back window and i asked him about it and he says he runs about 15% bio.says the place i get fuel sells 100% bio by the gallon out of 55 gallon drums??? which i kinda wonder about and says he gets about 5 gallons and puts in his tank and then tops off with regular diesel.says after you dump it in you can actually here the inj's getting quieter.i still have my doubts about this 100% bio.i'm gonna be checking into it shortly to see just whats up.also he says it something like 2.85 per gallon.

10-19-2004, 04:22
B100 made from rape seed or soybeans does infact run with no issues in our diesels. The common blends are B2, B20, and B100. The one thing you have to watch out for is that biodiesel is a GREAT solvent. Meaning that whatever is in the bottom of your tank, will soon be in your filters. The local co-op started selling B2 just because they wanted to support bio, it took them a month of changing filters on their pumps before all of the 'bottom of the tank' stuff found it's way to the filters. It burns cleaner (no sulfur) has very close to the same BTU content, and in no way harms a diesel.

I am a BIG bio supporter -- If the u.s. were to mandate B2, every bushel of soybeans our farmers could grow would be used to make bio. It's good for farmers, for diesels, and lowers our need on foreign crude.

10-19-2004, 09:07

I am over here by Centralia are you finding that Bio Diesel over in the St Louis area or around Highland? I would like to try some of that Bio Diesel myself.


10-19-2004, 18:04
new plant going up close to me has a sign out front saying they will produce over 110 million gallons a year.

4x4 power
10-21-2004, 07:29
I have just found a b2 blend for 1.83 per gallon with a min purchase of 250 gallons. The b11 blend was about .005 cents higher go figure! That was at FS in Greenville and yes that is clear diesel. As soon as I get a tank I am going to try it

10-21-2004, 10:43
Bio diesel sounds like a great idea for "farmers, for diesels, and lowers our need on foreign crude." until it hits you that it's all subsidized by our tax dollars.

It has been estimated that 50% of agricultural income is from tax dollars. Add to that the tax breaks the bio-diesel plants get and the road tax not getting paid by the plan mentioned above and you can feel your pocket book getting lighter. So, if you burn bio-diesel your burning tax dollars. Grain=Your tax dollars.

Why is it that we think that a new product has to be supported by our tax dollars? If it's a needed product the marketplace will decide that, not some government program that makes us burn it or places the products tax burden on its' competitors.

I raise and market buffalo meat. Wouldn't it be great (for me that is) if I did not have to pay tax and my product was not taxed on the shelf. Better yet, I could get the government to require every meal to have a percentage of buffalo meat in it.

I like the idea of biodiesel and think it has merit but why are we making another tax boondoggle out of it? Whatever happened to good old honest entrepreneurial spirit?

If it's cheaper at the pump will I buy it? Yep.

[ 10-21-2004, 10:56 AM: Message edited by: The Buffalo Guy ]

10-22-2004, 09:18
Buffalo Guy
So you would rather give money to the MiddleEast? I would/am rather give my money to anything that may stimulate more jobs here and eventually the subsidies will not be needed, than give it to the very part of the world which rather kill us all. Biodiesel is the best idea we have to reduce our dependance on foriegn oil, its cleaner burning and renewable. To me and many others its becoming a no brainer...Use Biodiesel!

10-22-2004, 12:57
No love for the middle-eastern oil men here. I just am dissapointed that our hard earned money has to support yet another industry. AND it seems that every time the government "helps" an industry it winds up killing it. I believe in free market forces.