View Full Version : water leak

10-15-2005, 07:19
I just noticed a water leak inside my truck, it's coming from the blower motor in the passenger side. Any ideas?

10-15-2005, 07:25
If it's WATER, likely the condensate drain for the AC evaporator is clogged.

If it's COOLANT, likely the heater core is leaking, and needs to be replaced.

10-15-2005, 11:56
It's water for sure. Any clue on how to solve it?

10-15-2005, 16:01
Mine had a new windshield installed when i bought it...a quick job , broke some of the 'cowl vent' pieces in process. Most of the cowl vent screws are not a potential cause of leaks, as they fasten to a piece of sheet that is over a well drained area. But a couple screws on the extreme passenger side must be sealed with like RTV, or they'll drible enough down inside the heaterbox to be noticeable inside.

Howie from NJ had same symptom as a result of allowing leaves (i think spruce/pine needles) to collect in the area beneath cowl vent and wipers.

You need to move to desert, or limit activity to indoor driving.

11-05-2005, 14:11
The trim screws were the problem. Just fixed it tonight.

11-06-2005, 14:36
I've had one since I got my truck, but only happens when it rains and is worst when parked on the driveway (front end slightly higher than rear).

I learned that where the blower inlet connects to the drain area just in front of the wipers (under the plastic grill guard that keeps out the big leaves) there is a seam that can leak into the passenger area if it is not sealed up right.

I bought the material to seal it up from an autobody supply shop but it has not been a big enough problem to push me into fixing it. Now that the fan motor is starting to squeak I might consider tackling it if I change the motor.