View Full Version : 96 Sub - Injection Pump Chaos

09-23-2004, 07:44
Im brand new on the forum. No doubt you've beat up GM over their pump warranty issues. Hope you don't mind me asking some advice.

Here is the situation:

My 96 Suburban has just been just been diagnosed with a bad injection pump. Surging at 45-55 mph with light throttle. Throwing codes P1216 and P1217.

Had a new one installed November 7, 2003 just 9,000 miles ago when it was stalling. Claim that this time it was due to contaminated fuel. Tech pointed to substance in the folds of the fuel filter that he described as a lining from the fuel tank. Non-ferrous silvery flakes -- Zinc?. $3,100 estimate for new injection pump, filter, fuel pump, fuel tank, and labor.

I'm the owner, I don't know who's fault it was or how it happened. I paid to have the tank cleaned when GM paid to put the last injection pump in. (I just found out that it had a pump at 25,000 as well; I've owned it since 60k.) I put either BP or Ashland diesel fuel from the auto pumps in it, changed the oil two times and now this. Doesn't seem like it could have be me and I tend to doubt it was the fuel.

Dealer is suggesting I call GM to see what they will do to help. Last year I had to turn into the green eyed monster to get help and my first call to GM customer service was one of the worst parts. I heard "I'm sorry, no, and there is no warranty on the injection pump on your vehicle". Looks to me like it may be the dealer's failure to really clean/inspect the tank.

What do I do now?


09-23-2004, 08:06

There is a search feature on the forum. Just click on "search" which is in tiny letters near the top of the page. Look for "pump warranty" or other words of your choice. You will instantly get LOTS of advice on this topic.

Also, add a signature line to your posts with model, year and mileage. The "my profile" link is right next to the "search" link. It helps the rest of us diagnose.

09-23-2004, 08:30
The lift pump is inbetween the inj pump & fuel tank.

09-23-2004, 08:49
Thanks Hye!

Got some great stuff.
One in particular should do the trick:

Didn't think of the return line feeding metal back to the tank Brilliant!

They say they think it is because of bad fuel that the pump failed. I say it was because of a bad IP the fuel is bad. Ought to be a great argument.

My side of the argument is more logical than galvanizing coming off the inside of the tank or metal shavings coming through the filter on a pump island. Another dealer said they often see all these metal shavings in a tank when they remove it to clean out. No wonder!

And thanks for the tip about the signature line.


09-23-2004, 12:48
Was getting ready for a fight and then...

Got a call mid-afternoon from dealer. They wanted to make sure $300 to pay for a new lift pump would be ok and that they would pick up the rest. And, might be Monday before I got it back I think the service writer thought he was in for a fight. He didn't get one.


09-23-2004, 13:50
Isn't it nice to be fully armed at the dealer!

You might have lost a battle. I _think_ I paid about $80 for an AC Delco pump. Put it in myself in less than an hour, (I never get in a hurry when fixin' stuff). But you won the war, so clean up your guns and SMILE.

09-23-2004, 18:20
You bet. I'm smiling. If I had to pay for this one might have been the end of the 'burban. Now I have to get smart and not let it happen again.

Thanks again for the advice.