View Full Version : 2006 k3500

05-24-2021, 13:02
Just died 0 DIC
Has prime and 1/2 tank just spins won’t start
Just died been running fine and strong
Any ideas?

05-24-2021, 13:32
Put a scanner on it, read the codes. With key-on and engine not running, the MIL won't help, but there should be a reported condition before/when it died. Probably just a connector that's come loose or a fuse, so try looking there as a start. Is there anything not working at key-on that should (except the no start part)?

05-24-2021, 13:39
No codes
everything is working
swapped relays for ign A B and 5
checked for fuel no air

05-24-2021, 16:58
OK latest update. 10 minutes before the tow truck got there my wife showed up and I has her tow me backwards about 50 feet to get out of the driveway. I tried one more time and it fired up. No sign of fuel leaks and it ran fine getting home. I have a primary fuel filter in the rear wheel well I will change both tomorrow. But it has not been lacking in power under acceleration, no hesitation and I had no air at the bleed valve on the main filter.

I called to cancel the tow but apparently they had two GMC 1 tons and they didn't know which was which. Driver was relieved because he said he'd been swamped all day.

Anyway tomorrow I will dig into it to see if I can find what caused it to stall.

05-24-2021, 18:50
I hate when that happens (but like it at the same time). It doesn't sound like a fuel supply issue. Sounds like something "switched off". I'd get under the hood and dash, and push all the connectors and wiggle all the fuses and relays. Intermittent relays are a PITA to pin down. If you suspect it, just replace it. Unless you have some unseen damage (rodents), about the only thing remaining, short of big $$ items (they almost always set codes), is the Ign switch.

05-24-2021, 22:02
Twice about ten years apart my 06 LBZ quit with no codes. Both times I tightened the fuel filter about a 1/8th of a turn and pumped the primer pump and it fired right up. I think on hot summer days the fuel filter gasket gets soft and lets air leak in but no fuel leaks out. I hope you find something easy like I did.

Good luck, John

05-25-2021, 05:03
found it
Don't leave us in suspense!

05-26-2021, 07:24
Yeah...What was it ??????

05-26-2021, 11:05
Never found a smoking gun to say what happened. At Mavericks suggestion I put in a new ignition switch and two new fuel filters. Have a CAT pre filter in rear wheel well and replaced stock filter with another Donaldson. In the process one wire to the Water in Fuel float broke flush to the drain plug. NAPA had one and of better design wires on it are recessed not flush as on stock. Runs up real good still but now I get Water in Fuel warning for about 5 minutes then it goes away.
Never had any air in system that was the first thing I checked. Pumped three times then cracked bleed screw and nothing but fuel came out.
Still have to clear glow plug code first start every morning. I was hoping the ignition switch might somehow fix that. Switch was common to both problems according to Mr. Maverick

Oh well, as long as its ok and doesn't play any tricks next month when I run up to Northern Virginia.

05-26-2021, 16:11
The WIF warning is passive. The only thing it does is cause the DIC notification. If the WIF is on after a start, then turns off after 5 minutes, it's probably shorted (electrical fail or sunk/stuck float) and disabled. You can test this by disconnecting it (the WIF warning should not come on at all). If it continues the 5 minutes-on routine, you might as well disconnect it until it's fixed. It's doing no good, and the warning won't annoy you. The WIF sensor on my 2001 has been disconnected (broken wires at the sensor) since about 2005.

05-26-2021, 18:33
The WIF warning is passive.

It's doing no good, and the warning won't annoy you. The WIF sensor on my 2001 has been disconnected (broken wires at the sensor) since about 2005.

Well I dont know for how long the old one was broke but I can loosen the bottom and wiggle it to see if that will fix it. I had a year on the last fuel filter. Bought the truck December 2014 with 17500 miles on it. Now have 108750 so its been mostly trouble free. But I do like things to work as designed.

05-26-2021, 20:31
Things should work as designed. Problem is, they don't always. Either the sensor is mechanically fouled, or it's water fouled.

05-27-2021, 12:42
Things should work as designed. Problem is, they don't always. Either the sensor is mechanically fouled, or it's water fouled.

Healed its self. Now working properly must have just need a little more road vibration.